[情報] 19/04~25/04/2021 Weekly Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 19/04~25/04/2021 Weekly Horoscope作者
(Lemon Tree)
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0

Some piece of your emotional baggage may be weighing heavily on your mind
right now, Moonchild. You may be exploring something that makes you unhappy,
and it has had that influence on you for some time. But when you dwell too
deep in thoughts of this, it only drags down futher. While your goal may be toget down to the bottom of it and find some way to change things for the better, all that ruminating isn't doing anything for you at all. Try living withoutthose thoughts for a few days this week. You may find that the less attentionyou give to this thought, the better you will feel, and the reason to think
about it may become mute. You have a decision to make this week that will
require a meeting of your head and your heart. Your more emotional side may
take over, as it often does, but be sure to reel those emotions in so that youcan be sure you are doing what is best for yourself. Old feelings for a love
interest may resurface this week. This may come after news that an old flame
has fallen in love again, gotten married, or there may be some other emotionalconnection.Even if you are already attached yourself, this could cause those
old emotions and memories to stir and overwhelm you. This will pass.





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