[情報] 26/01/2022 Daily Horoscope
你可能不覺得是一個轉變,但它是,你需要相信並繼續下去,就像你知道 『春天 』即將到來一樣。
Even in cold climates, bluebirds may begin laying their eggs as early as lateFebruary, when it's still winter and possibly very cold. This is a metaphor that you need to embrace today, Moonchild. The bluebird has no contract that says spring will come and that it will bring with it the ideal weather and warmth to raise her babies. You need to trust in a process of transformation that you are now in the beginning of. It may not feel like a transformation, but it is, and you need to believe and carry on as though you know "spring" is coming.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/30你可能需要一些精神上的支持,但你並不知道要去哪裡尋找。有些人相信著你,阿牛,如 果知道你正在經歷些什麼,他們會是你的靠山。你要知道,當你承擔一項重要任務的同時 ,宇宙是站在你這邊的。你現在正處於一個可能改變你生活的事件的開端,也許是搬家、 一個新工作,又或是其他某種新的開始。相信圍繞在你身邊的善意,也對自己更有信心一 點吧。11
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/18你可能對即將開始的一項工作有著疑慮。在你向前邁進之前,感覺到不安全是很正常的, 這是種自我保護的表現。但你需要相信自己,並相信當有任何不該繼續的好理由時,你會 認知到這點,你會相當肯定它,而不只是覺得緊張。你已經感到有自信了,讓自己放心, 讓這種自信回歸吧,阿牛。 ——8
[情報] 31/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeHappy 2021! That's not just a salutation, Moonchild. For you right now, that is also a prediction. You may have a hard time believing it at the moment with some of the turmoil you have been dealing with, but the coming year offers so many wonders and blessings for you that it will likely exceed your expectations. But you will need a key to access the abundance7
[情報] 17/03/2021 Daily HoroscopeA wish that you have set in motion is beginning to manifest. But this may be a slow process, Moonchild. This will not happen instantaneously, but do not allow that to make you believe it won't happen. The universe protects you in its own way, and in its own time. Even though this is something you may see as essential to your happiness, you need to acknowledge what you6
[情報] 14/10/2021 Daily Horoscope一件長期的事情終於要告一個段落了。 這是你生活中涉及過渡和轉變的事情,儘管你可能還沒有完全意識到它。 現在,月之子你可能會有委屈、沮喪、擔心,甚至恐懼。 你可能會擔心你沒有完成能做的一切的事情,而且這不會像你希望的那樣回報你。 但你的信仰在哪裡?信仰現在絕對是一個組成部分。