[情報] 30/05/2022~05/06/2022 Weekly Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 30/05/2022~05/06/2022 Weekly Horoscope作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0









Cancer horoscope for 5月 30 - 6月 5

Just because your goals and opinions don't perfectly align with someone else's does not mean you can't work with them. You do love to have idyllic experiences, Moonchild, and so you often go to great lengths to ensure that everythingis absolutely perfect before you get involved. But this week, a chance that may not come again may become available, and you may have to just overlook those differences and revel in what you do have in common and what you can accomplish together. You are a brave person in many ways, but not so much when it comes to being the center of attention. It isn't that you don't like to be admired. It's just that you don't like the feeling of all eyes watching you because you prefer to be private, and you probably do your best work while alone in your own kind of environment. However, it is time to summon your courage and take on the chance to do something that may be highly observed and scrutinized. Not only will you do quite well if you allow yourself to get carried away with it, but you will find that you aren't all that uncomfortable in the spotlight after all.ꀊ




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