[情報] 08/06/2022 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期三 6月 8
Someone in your life - someone whose presence typically brings you comfort and warmth - may have recently responded to something you said or did with anger. Naturally, you are taken aback, Moonchild, and you may wonder what you did wrong. But don't just assume this reaction has something to do with you, or with something you did. People often overreact when they are under stress, sometimes in ways that have nothing to do with the real issue. Gently ask questions,and you can be a part of the solution.
[情報] 31/03/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,『三思而後行 』這句諺語應該是你今天的口頭禪。 雖然你可能急於完成某事,但偷工減料可能導致需要很長時間才能解決的錯誤。 但如果你有耐心,並以正確的方式做事-你確實知道如何以正確的方式做事-那麼在一天結 束時,你會對你所完成的事情感到滿意。 不要為了速度而犧牲效率帶來的良好的感覺。2
[情報] 11/21 the daily horoscopeSomething that you see or hear today, or perhaps someone you meet, could have the air of the familiar. Something about this is beckoning and welcoming to yo u, Gemini, and you need to get closer to it. If you have been hoping for a fee ling of comfort or belonging, this might be the thing that will lead you there . If we pay attention, life is filled with signs. And when you ask the univers