[情報] 0402 DailyHoroscope
You may have a few fears or misgivings about an upcoming opportunity, Capricorn. And because you tend to err on the side of caution, you may be in the process of convincing yourself that this chance is not worth pursuing. After all, you don't want to live with the regret of a bad decision or suffer the consequences of a possibly foolish choice. But what is your inner voice telling you? If it doesn't conflict with some of the logic you are considering, then this opportunity may be worth the effort.
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[情報] 2/7 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 7 2021 Don't dwell on how it will be to feel vulnerable today, Capricorn. There may be a chance to do something that is important to you, even though you may not feel talented enough or good enough in some way. You tend to underestimate what you are capable of, and if a new opportunity feels exciting to you, then3
[情報] 0720 DailyHoroscopeSometimes we choose the softest words so that we can gloss over a serious mess age. Many of us - especially you, dear Capricorn - don't like to provoke a con flict or a confrontation. But when you deliver a message with kid gloves, you don't always convey how passionately you feel about it. Sometimes it is worth the risk of conflict and confrontation to say something that needs to be said.3
[情報] 06/03 the daily horoscopeJust because you may not win the acclaim or the opportunity you are now reachi ng for, dear Gemini, that does not make you a loser. No, not at all! Losers ca n be considered people who don't bother trying. They decide that whatever they want isn't worth the effort, or that they won't measure up even if they do tr y. You are no loser. But that should not even be a concern anyway because you2
[情報] 0505 DailyHoroscopeYou may be hesitating to say yes to a new opportunity, Capricorn, and you may even be determined to say no. But if this looks really good to you, why would you not leap at the chance? Could it be that you took on an opportunity like t his once before, and it didn't turn out so well? If so, you may be replaying t hat experience in your mind. But that was then, and this is now. Today you are2
[情報] 08/20 DailyHoroscopeRejection is difficult for everyone, Capricorn. Even if you look at someone's refusal to go along with something or to align with you in a particular way, i t can still hurt. But you are on the verge of a wonderful possibility that wil l require you to take a chance of being rejected. Can you handle it? You know that you can - even though you don't want to go down that path. But the stars2
[情報] 12/12 the daily horoscopeBecause you are someone with many interests, you tend to look for opportunities in many areas. In your lifetime, Gemini, you may try on roles of many kinds, both in your personal life and in your work life. There may be a new opportunity opening up for you in an area you have never considered, though, and it might be worth exploring. Even if you don't see this as a good2
[情報] 12/27 the daily horoscopeYou may have an almost magical, meant-to-be feeling about a new opportunity. T hat's grand, Gemini. It's great to feel that way. That may well be your intuit ion telling you to go for it. Still, being cautious is never a bad thing - alt hough being too cautious could be. Yes, you may want to go for it, but don't o ver-fantasize about it to the point where you wear the proverbial blinders and1
[情報] 0703 DailyHoroscopeGood luck happens when opportunity meets preparedness. No one knows that bette r than you do, Capricorn. You believe in being prepared, so when a chance to d o something you have desired for a long time arrives, you will be ready to go. However, you may stall a bit to wonder if the timing is right. But surely you are balanced and industrious enough to figure out a way to make it work. Don1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/30某人可能會暗示或甚至是直截了當地告訴你,他覺得你在新的計畫上進行得太快了。到你耳邊,阿牛,這可能會被詮釋為那個人覺得你所冒的風險過高,或者是你正在淌一個不值得你的時間的渾水,又或者是他不相信你有辦法去搞定。但是,與其去分析你對他們的話中有話是怎麼想的,在他們的意見或指示對你而言是很有份量的前提之下,怎麼不直接去問清楚呢?也許你能就此消弭他們的擔憂。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 30 Someone may be implying or even telling you directly that they think you are moving too fast with a new endeavor. To your ears, Taurus, this might be interpreted as that person thinking you are taking too big of a risk or getting involved in something that is not worth your time - or maybe they don't believe you can handle it. But rather than analyzing what you think they might be saying - assuming their opinion or guidance is important to you - why not ask directly? Perhaps you can dispel their fears. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.- 有時候真相比小說還要奇異,而當有人講述一個看似不可能的故事時,我們往往會認為它 要不是謊言,那就是錯誤。 如果現在有人向你提出一個看似不可能實現的提議,不要基於那種假設來作出回答。 雖然可能會有一些關於即將到來的機會的困惑,但它仍然可能是真的。 這可能非常值得你花時間和心思去盡力的多方學習,因為一個好的機會正在向你逼近,你