[情報] Daily Horoscope 魔羯座7月運勢

看板Capricornus標題[情報] Daily Horoscope 魔羯座7月運勢作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:0



Capricorn horoscope for July
What do you love to do the most, Capricorn? Perhaps there is more than one thing you enjoy and feel passionate about. You are inclined to be all work and no play, though, much of the time. If there are obligations to be fulfilled - and of course there always are - you insist on addressing those first, and then there isn't time to do what you really wanted to do. Although it is important to be responsible, you must also fulfill yourself personally. This month, it is important to incorporate some me-time
into your schedule - and not just temporarily. Start to make it a habit to nurture yourself, to indulge in the things you love most to do, and to generally cater to your overall well-being. This is the start of an important new period in your life, one where you feel whole and comforted so that you can always be your best self. A casual conversation could lead to a very promising opportunity when you discover a mutual goal or interests with someone you know in an unrelated way. Be consistent and
persistent with this to discover the full potential of this connection. It could be something very important to your personal evolution.
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