[分享] Mark Grater教練經歷

看板Elephants標題[分享] Mark Grater教練經歷作者
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預計成為新賽季教練團成員之一的Mark Grater教練


1998 Pitching coach of Prince William Cannons (STL MiLB)
2001 Pitching coach of Peoria Chiefs (STL MiLB HighA)
2002 Pitching coach of GCL Expos (WAS MiLB)
2003 Pitching coach of Brevard County Manatees (WAS MiLB)
2004 Pitching coach of Harrisburg Senators (WAS MiLB 2A)
2005 Pitching coach of Savannah Sands Gnats (WAS MiLB)
2006 Pitching coach of Vermont Lake Monsters (WAS MiLB)
2009 Pitching coach of Gulf Coast Nationals (WAS MiLB)
2010~2012 Rehabilitation Pitching coordinator of Washington Nationals-- WAS MLB2016/11~2017/03 guest pitching coach of Fubon Guardians (CPBL)
2024~ coach of CTBC Brothers (CPBL)


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msarthur01/09 22:43這履歷真厚啊,之前還待過邦邦?

lin9701/09 23:08邦邦客座而已

gericc01/09 23:09這資歷搞不好比老佛還猛

james9171801/09 23:13這幾年好像是在國民的小聯盟當復健教練

tommyshu01/09 23:40所以這位是擺二軍嗎

warriors3001/09 23:41還未公布 但機率大 應該是接老佛爺的位置

abcnelson65401/10 00:04好扯,不過我們投手已經傷到可以開醫院了

tommyshu01/10 00:15所以找了個有復健相關資歷的投手教練 不錯啊很符合我們

tommyshu01/10 00:15的需求

gericc01/10 03:04倒是好奇 還會不會找其他運科投教

alexds01/10 09:19嗯嗯這次找來的教練感覺都是很好的人選