[情報] Sheikh Jassim submits bids to buy MU

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A delegation of advisors working on behalf of Sheikh Jassim and his ‘Nine
Two Foundation’ – named in homage to the Class of ’92 – visited Old
Trafford last week for talks with United’s hierarchy and were given access
to the club’s books.

卡達王子Sheikh Jassim的顧問團與92基金會(致敬曼聯92黃金一代而命名)上週拜訪了

The Qatari group were one of several to meet with United, with as many as
eight offers having been expected prior to Wednesday’s deadline – although
the time period was belatedly extended by Raine, who are marketing the sale,
late in the evening amid some degree of confusion.


Sheikh Jassim was ready to submit his offer before Wednesday’s 9pm deadline,
but when an extension was offered the Qatari group opted to use the time to
fine-tune their bid even further.
Not all of the offers are to buy the club outright, with around half
proposing minority stakes or potential financing to other bids – such as US
hedge fund Elliott Management.

卡達王子Sheikh Jassim已準備在週三晚上9點截止日前提交報價,但當截止日延期後,
報價提供潛在融資,例如美國對沖基金Elliott Management。

The first round of the process saw bidders submit brief statements of intent
and proof of finances, with no offer exceeding the £4.5billion mark – well
short of the Glazer family’s £6bn asking price.


But the second round sees more concrete offers put forward to Raine Group anda fresh statement has now confirmed that the Qatari bid has officially been
submitted with Sheikh Jassim prepared to stump up a mammoth fee.
A rumoured offer in the region of £5billion would eclipse the $4.65bn (£
3.8bn) sale of NFL team the Denver Broncos when they were bought by the
Walton-Penner group last year – the biggest sporting takeover in history.

但第二輪有更多更具體的報價提交給Raine Group,現在有一份熱騰騰的聲明確認卡達報價已正式提交,連同卡達王子Sheikh Jassim準備支付的大筆費用。

Sheikh Jassim is one of two front-runners who have emerged in the race to buyUnited, with the other being INEOS founder Sir Jim Ratcliffe – who has also
made a record offer after personally visiting Old Trafford and Carrington
last week.

卡達王子Sheikh Jassim是曼聯爭奪戰的兩位領跑者之一,另一位是INEOS創始人
Jim Ratcliffe爵士,他在上周親自拜訪了老特拉福和Carrington(曼聯訓練基地在此)

There is no guarantee that the Glazers will sell the club, however, and they
will consult with Raine over the next week to evaluate the bids and decide
their next move.



補一個在Romano推特看到的圖,滿好笑 XD


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※ 編輯: wl01517915 ( 臺灣), 03/25/2023 22:38:13

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