Re: [情報] 月黑風高2023-24 德國隊

看板FAPL標題Re: [情報] 月黑風高2023-24 德國隊作者
時間推噓14 推:14 噓:0 →:4

Fabrizio Romano
German DFB now close to completing the formal agreement to appoint Julian Nagelsmann as new head coach of the national team, as
reported today

Details being discussed on salary as he will take pay cut — Bayern are prepared to terminate Julian’s contact.

Julian Nagelsmann 預計將成為德國隊新主帥

※ 引述 《stevenchiang (RF)》 之銘言:
: Fabrizio Romano
: @FabrizioRomano
: BREAKING: Hansi Flick has been fired, he’s no longer German national team
: head coach
: Federation set to discuss internally on new manager as Germany will host Euro: 2024 in 9 months.
: Rudi Völler will be on the bench as interim coach.
: Hansi Flick 下課

: Fabrizio Romano
: ·
: “You’re Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool coach…”
: “German Federation dreams of Jurgen Klopp to manage both Germany for Euro
: 2024 and Liverpool”, Jan Aage Fjotfjort has reported
: …and so what should Jurgen do?
: 1 Reject the proposal and focus on Liverpool.
: 2 Leave Liverpool immediately and join Germany.
: 3 Accept and manage both #LFC and Germany.
: 德國夢想渣叔可以同時執教德國隊參加2024歐洲杯和利物浦
: 德足協是不是FM玩太多?


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iamnotgm09/19 20:18幹 笑到我嗆到 德國人終究是要找納帥的XDDD

madeinheaven09/19 20:23放棄拜仁給的2000萬歐薪資

sammyymmas09/19 20:34有點意外 祝福納帥

jordanlove09/19 20:40我已經知道結局

jabari09/19 21:11不是說年薪太低?

z8342012309/19 21:28就拜仁貼薪水吧

z8342012309/19 21:29今年夏天原本拜仁看車PSG刺都要主教練 還要違約金

z8342012309/19 21:29結果三家都沒選納格 變成拜仁要繼續養

Aurona09/19 22:48哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

shargo09/19 23:07反正德國隊跟拜仁本來就是同一隻球隊(咦

kay0050309/19 23:48所以下一個是圖禿準備中嘍

baruandway09/20 01:28不是三家都沒選納而是納三家都不想去吧

GenjiEd09/20 01:45又接在flick後面了?

z8342012309/20 03:12納都說是自己不想去 三家內部都說是不選他 各說各話囉

jabari09/20 07:14拜癢:拜託你快去好嘛

CGary09/20 11:47拜仁球員:怎麼教練還是你?

YaLuBigRock09/20 15:36現在德國國家隊多特的比較多吧

YaLuBigRock09/20 15:36他們還把恩梅查跟菲爾克魯格都買了然後放替補