[情報] Massa考慮發起2008新加坡戰比賽無效之訴~

看板FORMULA1標題[情報] Massa考慮發起2008新加坡戰比賽無效之訴~作者
時間推噓27 推:27 噓:0 →:29

1. WTF1

In an interview with the F1-Insider website last month, Ecclestone said he
and then FIA president Max Mosley knew of the situation “during the 2008

白髮老怪 Bernie Ecclestone日前承認他與時任FIA主席Max Mosley已經知道2008年賽季出現違規現象。

He added: “We decided not to do anything for now. We wanted to protect the
sport and save it from a huge scandal. That's why I used angelic tongues to
persuade my former driver Nelson Piquet to keep calm for the time being.


“Back then, there was a rule that a world championship classification after
the FIA awards ceremony at the end of the year was untouchable. So
Hamilton was presented with the trophy and everything was fine.

當時規則有説明一旦WDC冠軍獎杯已頒發,任何賽果將無法再更改。Hamilton就這樣領取了2008 WDC獎杯。

“We had enough information in time to investigate the matter. According to
the statutes, we should have cancelled the race in Singapore under these


“That means it would never have happened for the championship standings. And
then Felipe Massa would have become world champion and not Lewis Hamilton.”

這也意味著Felipe Massa, 并非Lewis Hamilton成爲2008年WDC。

1. Felipe Massa - 97pts
2. Lewis Hamilton - 92pts

“This is very sad, to know the result of this race was supposed to be
cancelled and I would have a title. In the end, I was the one who lost the
most with this result. So, we are going after it to understand all this.”


Massa accept that his chances of finding any route to challenge the result
are slim, but he insists that does not put him off looking into it.


"There are rules, and there are many things that, depending on the country,
you cannot go back after 15 years to resolve a situation," he said.


“But I intend to study the situation; study what the laws say, and the
rules. We have to have an idea of what is possible to do.”


Massa is clear though that his motivation to look once again into the matter
is not being fuelled by the desire for financial compensation.

“I would never go after it thinking financially,” he said. “I would go
after it thinking about justice.


“I think if you've been punished for something that wasn't your fault, and
it's the product of a robbery, a stolen race, justice has to be served.


“In fact, the right situation is to cancel the result of that race. It is
the only justice that can be done in a case like this.”


Massa said it was not uncommon for other sports to amend results many years
after competitions when fresh evidence of cheating had emerged.

“We have already seen other situations happening in sports, such as Lance
Armstrong (cyclist), who was proven to have doped, and he lost all the
titles. What is the difference?”

Massa也舉例了多年後更改賽果的案例,并以脚踏車賽事Lance Armstrong因爲被抓到服用違禁藥物而被取消冠軍資格。

When asked if he had spoken to his former Ferrari team about the matter,
Massa said: “Not yet.”




[情報] 蔡主席反對給紅牛引擎,法拉利為選項之一 #1LxhNH5s (FORMULA1)

scottnet: 蔡主席...= = 09/08 18:29
wsx1678904: 請蔡主席放過紅牛09/08 18:30
leoturkey: 蔡主席XDD09/08 18:31
ArSaBuLu: F1不是躺著開 是開到躺下來惹 09/08 18:38
F35B: 蔡主席:我們尊重紅牛的閉關修練 09/08 18:39


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FTICR04/07 15:28比賽無效(叭~~~) 比賽無效~~~ (破音)

Transposon04/07 15:50上周一鍵復原,現在難道要一鍵刪除?

FIA: 查無不法,謝謝指教

pclemens04/07 16:01七冠王有什麼了不起 人人得兒豬隻啊


www102504/07 16:01馬薩姓丁嗎

MikaMax04/07 16:15法家最近一位WDC看看有沒有機會換個名字XD

astushi04/07 16:23哇喔 真的欸 上一個已經16年前了

welly756604/07 16:29Massa那年真的很可惜QQ

e147258404/07 17:03

jkl1526152604/07 17:49Glock表示


potatoes04/07 18:42法拉利終於有奪冠希望了(??)


※ 編輯: Scent56 ( 馬來西亞), 04/07/2023 18:48:37

luvstarrysky04/07 18:54感覺不太可能改變 太久了

Inar04/07 20:17提起世界冠軍無效之訴~ (咦

tiesto0620204/07 20:34Demon Hill:1994順便

PONANZA04/07 20:57toto:不要逼我

volleywayne04/07 21:33小黑表示:甘你老濕!

chenghow04/07 22:06GLOCK因為一個沒換雨胎被大家不時提到,現在來說算賺到

chenghow04/07 22:06未來拉導也有機會十年後被提到的

t7231204/07 22:082023來展望一下2008

Vincent802604/07 22:21如果馬薩拿到WDC,那法拉利無冠的持續時間就縮短一年

Vincent802604/07 22:21惹~

TKB556604/07 22:47馬傻給我下去,不要拿不到冠軍就出奧步= =,這都是沒用的

TKB556604/07 22:48馬傻要怪就怪你家奇米實在太廢,廢到連僚機都當不了= =

TKB556604/07 22:50喔對了當年老漢的隊友可是KOV,所以老漢完全可以說是一打

TKB556604/07 22:51兩台法拉拉,法拉拉二打一還輸老漢,輸的理所當然不是?

TKB556604/07 22:52老漢一打二奪冠實至名歸,馬傻還是滾去路邊哭哭吧~~~~

fit04/07 22:55Massa: Good job Bro, Very good that(瞪)

quicknick04/07 22:56Massa說過Glock跑他自己的比賽沒問題也沒心結

quicknick04/07 22:56他只針對規則去平反

quicknick04/07 22:57

fit04/07 22:57什麼? 平反? 很貴的, 而且會很吃力

DanielHudson04/08 01:54蛤?不是吧?Glock就是因為用乾胎硬撐才多偷了幾個

DanielHudson04/08 01:54Position,到最後一彎才被Hamilton搶回位置的

DanielHudson04/08 01:56Glock要是進Pit換雨胎會是P7完賽,留在外面硬撐反

DanielHudson04/08 01:56而得到P6

zippa04/08 03:5530秒的世界冠軍

scccc04/08 08:23到底是2008的最後一站比較精彩還是2021的

chenghow04/08 09:552021煮熟的鴨子因為事故加上賽會決定所以飛摟,2008就

chenghow04/08 09:55是車隊車手策略跟判斷,畢竟那場雨真的超有戲

taxlaw199104/08 10:01這次爭議的不是08最後一場 而是撞車門那場要不要算

taxlaw199104/08 10:03不過沒撞車 也不保證加油就不會大蛇啊......

Inar04/08 11:10因為有人召喚SC而改變結果的比賽太多了....

Inar04/08 11:11當下知道有撞車門的事情時,記憶中也沒要求比賽成績不算

likeastar04/08 11:1608最後一站完全沒有爭議阿XD 這反轉當然比較精彩。 撞

likeastar04/08 11:16車門真的是很低級,當初沒有不算這場就是打算混過去了

likeastar04/08 11:17說實在我覺得很多時候這些不翻跟地下賭盤有很大的關係o

likeastar04/08 11:17rz 2021也承認錯誤一樣不敢翻阿,翻了隔天還活著嗎我

likeastar04/08 11:17都不知道

taxlaw199104/08 11:57不用地下 地上的博彩公司絕對叫FIA賠到脫褲倒店

taxlaw199104/08 11:58出去的回不來 改結果的賭客來討彩金 公司當然找FIA算

taxlaw199104/08 11:58帳 你FIA賠得起嗎

kltnlious04/08 12:58選舉無效之訴 叭~

wtsph04/08 13:35雙倍新人雙倍101頒獎台之爭

airphone04/08 14:46都過了那麼久又舊事重提 白髮老怪真是夠了

airphone04/08 14:47竟然你老怪當初掌權時選擇冷處理漠視 現在就別再叫了

tomwdc04/08 23:59不無道理

magicianegg04/09 12:22富士不要腦衝去撞小黑早就WDC了