[影片] Dude Perfect 與咖哩的有趣影片
以前就有看過Dude Perfect 的影片 很多腦洞大開的挑戰
這次跟咖哩聯名 咖哩平常就會挑戰很多circus shot 來上這個節目真的超適合
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※ 編輯: kobebrian ( 臺灣), 11/17/2024 17:53:33
最後還有招牌射後不理 很帥
[花邊] Nick young:KD想讓FMVP給咖哩I remember, I remember they were neck and neck, KD and Steph. Then Steph had one bad game, and KD was hitting. In the locker room, Steph's head was down, damn n ear in tears after a win. He wanted to win that MVP, KD was trying to give it to him like he won the year before, so he was trying to give it to him. But Steph couldn't make a shot.爆
[情報] KG:現今已非LBJ時代,我們處於咖哩時代KG:現今已非LBJ的時代,我們處於咖哩的時代 kgcertified Steph disrupted the game KG:咖哩改變了籃球比賽。 近日KG在節目中談到當今聯盟是屬於誰的時代時表示:我得說現在已經不再是LBJ的時代,爆
[花邊] BR合成LBJ和咖哩的影片Steph ties LeBron with four championships Bleacher Report將LBJ和咖哩合成到影片中,並發問:LBJ和咖哩的冠軍數量差距是多少? LBJ:Not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7… 影片:爆
[閒聊] 咖哩到底有什麼不能放華麗的餐桌做了各式各樣的咖哩料理 美味大挑戰說咖哩的發源地印度 喜歡各種香料倒進去燉一鍋 感覺好像什麼都能倒進咖哩裡面 咖哩到底有什麼不能放74
[閒聊] 咖哩你是日式還是印度派的?乳蹄 咖哩是日本相當常見的日常食物之一 各種聯名也是少不了65
[外絮] Curry賽後受訪穿寫他老婆會煮飯的衣服來源: Steph Curry sees everything. EVERYTHING. Three days after a Boston area bar named "Game On!" took a shot at Curry's wife, Ayesha, the Warriors' star had a clear response. Following the Warriors' 104-94 win over the Boston Celtics in Game 5 of the64
[情報] GP2灌籃 咖哩:不知道他怎做到 我們一樣高來源: The Athletic作家Anthony Slater推特 網址: Steph Curry on all the Gary Payton II highlight lobs: "I don't know how he does it. He's the same height as me." Steph Curry講到Gary Payton II上精彩好球的那個空拋灌籃:「我不知道他怎麼做54
[花邊] 遊行時有女球迷想偷親咖哩來源: ClutchPoint推特 網址: This lady at the Warriors’ parade really tried to kiss Steph Curry. 在勇士遊行的時候,有個女球迷真的很努力想親咖哩。 影片:42
[花邊] 咖哩今天穿"駭客任務"裝扮到球館來源: BR Kicks推特 網址: @StephenCurry30 arrives tonight against Portland. 咖哩今天到達阿拓場館。 影片:5
[Vtub] 富士葵 挑戰18禁咖哩挑戰過好幾種激辣料理的富士葵 這次要挑戰的是18禁咖哩 原來18禁咖哩有四種口味啊 很會吃辣的孫女 這次也敗在18禁咖哩上了