[情報] 勇士助教Jarron Collins離開

看板G-S-WARRIORS標題[情報] 勇士助教Jarron Collins離開作者
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Longtime Golden State Warriors assistant coach Jarron Collins and the franchise have mutually agreed to part ways, according to Marc J. Spears of The Undefeated.

根據Marc J. Spears of The Undefeated,勇士助教Jarron Collins為了更大的角色與個人發展,與勇士雙方同意分道揚鑣,結束長達7年的合作關係。

Collins, who started working with the Warriors as a player development coach before the 2014-15 championship season, is looking for head coach and associate head coach roles, per Spears.


"This is about myself and my own personal growth," Collins said. "I had a conversation with [head coach] Steve [Kerr] and the Warriors," he said. "I've been there seven years and coached Hall of Fame players. We've won championships.I learned so much. For me, this is about taking the next journey and next step in my career."


Per Spears, the Stanford product said he has had interest from NBA teams, while he would also be open to joining the college ranks as a head coach.


Collins assumed his current role with the Warriors in the 2015-16 campaign and has served as the defensive coordinator throughout the past two seasons. Since he joined the franchise, the team has won three NBA championships.

Collins自15-16賽季開始從事現任職務,並在過去兩個賽季擔任球隊的Defensive coordinator(這個中文不知道怎麼翻QQ)。

The 42-year-old interviewed for head coaching roles in each of the past threeyears—with the Chicago Bulls in 2020, Memphis Grizzlies in 2019 and Atlanta Hawks in 2018, according to Spears. He turned down an offer to work under Grizzlies head coach Taylor Jenkins as a lead assistant in 2019.

過去三年,Collins每年都參加了其他球隊總教練的面試(2018老鷹、2019灰熊、2020公牛)。2019年他拒絕了在灰熊教練Taylor Jenkins底下擔任首席助教的Offer。

Warriors head coach Steve Kerr spoke highly of the former center, who played eight seasons with the Utah Jazz then ended his professional career in Phoenix, Los Angeles (Clippers) and Portland from 2001-11:

"I'm going to really miss Jarron, both personally and professionally. He's anexcellent coach and a wonderful human being. It's going to be different without him around, but he deserves the chance to continue his growth with the goalof ultimately becoming a head coach in the NBA. Jarron has all the skills necessary. He's a great teacher and communicator, he's smart and funny, and he knows the game."
Players have also praised Collins, including Draymond Green and Marquese Chriss, per Spears.

Steve高度讚揚了這位前NBA中鋒,他在猶他爵士隊打了八個賽季,並在2010-11賽季結束了他10年的職業生涯::「無論從個人角度還是從職業角度,我都會非常想念Jarron,他是位傑出的教練,也是個了不起的人。少了他在身邊會很不一樣,然而他應該有機會繼續成長,並成為一名NBA的總教練。Jarron具備所有必要的技能。他是一個優秀的老師和溝通者,他既聰明又風趣 and he knows the game。」 。包括Green和Chris’s 在內的數
名球員也同樣對Collins 讚不絕口。

The Boston Celtics, Orlando Magic and Portland Trail Blazers all have head coach openings.





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※ 編輯: andycylee ( 臺灣), 06/08/2021 14:44:58

hank721806/08 14:46感謝他過去的付出,也祝福他未來職涯順利

saiallblue06/08 14:54感謝付出

andyroro206/08 15:22感謝付出

ihx0006/08 16:06感謝付出,祝福往後順利

ZzzDecember06/08 16:18謝謝貢獻~~祝一切順利QQ

ocean92106/08 17:01感謝付出

hank721806/08 17:35

cto300006/08 20:05來個大衛西啊嘶

ihx0006/08 20:50西爺回來吧

cto300006/08 23:15應該是不可能回來啦,但幫忙練菜雞少主也好R

ihx0006/08 23:24我是說回來當助教XD如果MC能回來其實更希望西爺來調教一番

MTK51506/08 23:28西爺回來指導一下Wiseman吧

JL4606/08 23:29謝謝Collins這幾年在勇士隊的付出,祝福他未來有好的發展~:)

candbilly15306/09 00:10West要是能回來我們可能很需要他穿西裝上場頂個幾分

candbilly15306/09 00:10

st89028406/09 00:33之前Myers談找KG練智將的時候就有提到也有要找West了

JL4606/09 00:42西爺願意來我勇,幫忙培育新人兼賺點小錢,想想真是不錯~ XD

ct218906/09 01:39擔心智將以後變痛痛人 咖喱能不能教一下啊

CW406/09 01:46 有名的弄到對方向大家就會不敢

CW406/09 01:46對眼

CW406/09 01:46弄到對方想打架

karmel06/09 03:47當個haslem的角色也不錯

CW406/09 07:27Wiseman:這個暑假很棒 很可惜大衛叔每次要來 KG就會突然想

CW406/09 07:27起家裡有事

CW406/09 07:28他隊GM:這個悟性真的挺低的

hank721806/09 07:33智將有在學中文,雖然沒字幕 的話,我會聽不懂

CW406/09 07:41他比較重要的是別把第一季的情況歸咎到教的人 roll man分球

CW406/09 07:41那是3打3的東西

CW406/09 08:55Defensive Coordinator這個職銜在籃球隊裡很少設 可能是因

CW406/09 08:55為我們的幾個助教自己有相當的籃球素養跟資歷 所以才立一個

CW406/09 08:55負責協調的人

abc20200006/09 09:07你王要不要火了我疼 讓他回來勇士畫暫停後的戰術板

CW406/09 09:18雖然當總教練會把籃球變成玄學 不過他是真的還挺會畫戰術

taiwanrules06/09 09:44原來要補的老將是當教練XD

versace06/09 11:42祝福

kbty24506/09 14:37事實証明很懂戰術跟當教練是兩回事,畢竟一場比賽的暫停

kbty24506/09 14:37沒有無限個

CW406/09 14:50mm 算是他們工作的其中一小部分而已

ssisters06/10 10:41勇士又要為別隊產出新的總教練嗎? 好期待

monk206/10 11:13去公鹿還是青賽?!

forever920fv06/10 14:13今年的教練組會整理一波 MB也會去應徵別隊總a

idk3306/10 14:16MB每年都去不是嗎?

Tommy92C06/10 21:15你疼超穩的,每次季賽末拉一波連勝又像有料但打不進季

Tommy92C06/10 21:15後賽XD

onetooneya06/10 21:54國王不是想省錢嗎?不太可能換教練吧

BardxBaymax06/11 13:10

JL4606/11 23:17樓上B開頭的,在他板辱罵勇士隊上下後,跑來隊板推文...嘖嘖

st89028406/15 20:11 這血夠新

st89028406/15 20:18溜馬的Bitadze以前也在KK Mega 該不會真的要選歐陸C

candbilly15306/16 00:57神棍碎片+1?

vincenter06/16 01:22看NBA板,勇士找了Jokic在歐洲的前教練

vincenter06/16 01:23這是來幫Wiseman嗎??