[情報] 12/11 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini標題[情報] 12/11 the daily horoscope 作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:1

You may have become unhappy with the road you have taken with your career, a relationship, or some other major part of your life. What happens when you don't like a road you are literally driving on, Gemini? You turn and go off in another direction! That's exactly what you have to do now. Be conscious of your inner compass, do any necessary research, and start moving. Finding the right path may take some searching, but it will take you to where you are meant to be.

你可能開始對你事業、感情或生活重要部分上,你所選擇的道路感到不滿。 如果你駕駛在你不喜歡的道路上會發生什麼事?你轉彎並往其他道路前行!這是你現在必須做的事。注意你內心的指引,做任何必要的研究,然後開始動起來吧。找到正確的道路可能需要花一些時間尋找,但他會帶你到該去的地方。

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