[問卦] Nikola Jokic知道台男都叫他阿肥嗎??
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一樓沒有吧 都是叫阿肥居多
是喔 那可能是我都看羅傑台習慣了
[花邊] Jokic可能會成為第一位第一輪被橫掃的MVPNikola Jokic is one loss away from becoming the first MVP in NBA history to be swept 4-0 in the first round. 如果金塊下一場輸球 Nikola Jokic將會成為歷史上第一位第一輪被橫掃的年度MVP爆
[情報] 22-23 FMVP:Nikola JokicThe 2023 NBAFinals MVP and recipient of the Bill Russell Trophy, Denver Nugg ets center Nikola Jokic. 阿肥拿到了今年總冠軍賽的MVP 是史上最低順位拿到此獎項的球員爆
[情報] Nikola Jokic首輪表現Nikola Jokic首輪表現 Nikola Jokic in the first round: 31.0 PPG 13.2 RPG 5.8 APG爆
[情報] Jokic 成為史上選秀順位最低的FMVP@ClutchPointsApp Started from the bottom, now he's here Nikola Jokic became the lowest draft pick in NBA history (No. 41 in 2014) to win NBA Finals MVP爆
[情報] Jokic:沒有人喜歡工作,說喜歡都騙的"Nobody likes their job. Maybe they do. They're lying." - Nikola Jokic 阿肥: 沒有人喜歡他們的工作。 有些人說喜歡,都是在騙啦。爆
[外絮] 阿肥是史上唯一一位從未有隊友入選全明星阿肥是史上唯一一位生涯前八年從未有隊友入選全明星、最佳陣容、最佳防守陣容的年度MV P Nikola Jokic's one of the NBA stars constantly making the headlines. Much has be en said and written about him being the frontrunner to win his third MVP title, but it should be noted that he's doing the bulk of the work without a star teamm爆
[外絮] 小河流說阿肥大概再打五到六年就會退休來源:SI 網址: While Nikola Jokic has already accomplished more than most players in NBA history, the Denver Nuggets star is still just 28 years old. Still with several more prime years ahead of him, Jokic could realistically dominate the91
[外絮] CJ說阿肥不會當教練 「他不看籃球的。」來源:FanNation 網址: In today's NBA landscape, many former NBA players become coaches. When looking at the current list of players, there are few that could clearly become great coaches, Chris Paul would be a great example. When it comes to89
[情報] 肥哥把阿肥舉起來慶祝奪冠!Nikola Jokic celebrating his first NBA title with his brothers 也只有肥哥舉的動42
[情報] Jokic 85%+40pts+10reb+5ast+5st歷史首人消息來源: 內容:Nikola Jokic of the @nuggets is the first NBA player to have a game wit h 40+ points, 10+ rebounds, 5+ assists, 5+ steals and 85% shooting (since stea ls became an official stat in 1973-74). 自73-74賽季開始統計抄截數據以來,Joker是NBA歷史上第一位以85%命中率砍
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