Re: [問卦] 為何不立法禁止在公園儀容不整喝酒的八卦
※ 引述《autokey (該起床啦)》之銘言:
: 公園是大家的公園
: 身處民主自由的台灣
: 公園是大家休閒的一塊淨土
美國加州 有這麼一條
(a) Any person possessing any can, bottle, or other receptacle containing anyalcoholic beverage that has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents ofwhich have been partially removed, in any city, county, or city and county
owned park or other city, county, or city and county owned public place, or
any recreation and park district, or any regional park or open-space districtshall be guilty of an infraction if the city, county, or city and county has
enacted an ordinance that prohibits the possession of those containers in
those areas or the consumption of alcoholic beverages in those areas.
其國家和地區 在Open-container law 上都有相應規定
注意此ID已被國防布認證中共同路人 ▕堂章▏
ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄)ㄟ  ̄ ̄
i go to school by bus
this is a pen 翻譯 這是A片 this is a book 這是A書
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 07/03/2023 11:35:12所以微風樓下的street bar廣受阿兜仔好評
[情報] 教士隊限制特定地區的人才可以買票Padres Limiting Petco Park Ticket Sales To Select Counties San Diego Padres tickets to the National League Division Series and potential NL Championship Series games are being limited to fans in select counties. If visiting the Padres’ postseason hub on their official website and attempting34
[情報] 韓國棒球名人堂將於2026完工HoF: The City of Busan announced that the Korean Baseball Hall of Fame project which was bid for in 2011 has been approved. Busan, Gijang County, and KBO will collaborate to build the HoF. The plan is for it to be open for public in 2026.13
[英冠] 最後一輪以下為英國時間 上色代表該隊有降級/直接升超/附加賽可能 沒驚嘆號的為Wigan扣減12分之後已經保級的場 7/22 晚間7點30分 Birmingham City v Derby County Brentford v Barnsley(為了升超vs為了保級!!!)7
[足總盃] 第三輪數字為場次編號,以下為英國時間。 1/8 晚間7點45分 5 PRM Wolverhampton Wanderers v Crystal Palace PRM(!) 23 PRM Aston Villa v Liverpool PRM(!!!)7
[英冠] 最後一輪12場統一於臺灣時間5/8晚間7點半開踢 以下為歡樂場 Blackburn Rovers v Birmingham City Bristol City v Brentford Coventry City v Millwall2
[足總盃] 第五輪以下為英國時間,數字為場次編號, 3/2 晚間7點45分 8 FL1 Portsmouth v Arsenal PRM 3/3 晚間7點45分- 3月13日 15:00 竹北看電影學英文 The movie day Time: 3:00pm, 13th March 2022 Venue: 2F., No. 125, Shengli 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 新竹縣竹北市勝利二路125號2樓
- 以下為英國時間 11/8 (Tue.) 19:45 Bournemouth (PRM) v Everton (PRM) Brentford (PRM) v Gillingham (FL2)
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[問卦] 我朋友認為不存在中華隊 只有台灣隊爆
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[問卦] 超商物流炸了的八卦?