Re: [爆卦] 烏克蘭指控匈牙利與俄羅斯利用ROC交易戰俘

看板Gossiping標題Re: [爆卦] 烏克蘭指控匈牙利與俄羅斯利用ROC交易戰俘作者
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匈牙利證實 俄羅斯利用Russian Orthodox Church (ROC 東正教會)

向匈牙利歸還11位 喀爾巴阡山脈的烏克蘭軍人


匈牙利總理發言人 gergely gulyas 周一表示

之前11位ROC的回歸者 將不再視為戰俘 可自由行動


Gergely Gulyás, Minister of the Prime Minister's Office, said at a
government briefing on Monday that the Transcarpathian prisoners of war are
no longer legally considered prisoners of war, they are free to go wherever
they want. Those who are not Hungarian citizens have been granted refugee
status, (implying that most of them are).
The minister said that those who
had asked for it had come here, not at the government's initiative, but in
cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Hungarian Maltese
Aid, which conforms to all regulations. He said it was a good decision to
take this opportunity.

BBC引用烏克蘭外長 Nikolenko臉書新聞報導

本周二 其中三名回歸者 從布達佩斯 返回烏克蘭

On Tuesday evening Mr Nikolenko announced on Facebook that the Ukrainian
embassy in Budapest had managed to bring three of the Ukrainians back
and it
was continuing to take active measures to return the other men "taken out of
Russia to Hungary".


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