Re: [新聞] 美商務部長:我們晶片比中國先進 「我們
原文如下: Fair 看台灣怎麼翻吧?
Gina Raimondo: Hmm. Well, what it tells me is the export controls are working because that chip is not nearly as good--
Lesley Stahl: It's not?
Gina Raimondo: --it's years behind what we have in the United States. We have the most sophisticated semiconductors in the world. China doesn't. We've out-innovated China.
Lesley Stahl: Well, "we," you mean Taiwan?
Gina Raimondo: Fair.
While American tech companies design the world's most advanced chips, none are actually made in the U.S. Ninety percent of them come from Taiwan, and they are key to the future of U.S. military weaponry.
Lesley Stahl: And China, from time to time, threatens, you know, the wolf, to invade Taiwan.
Gina Raimondo: Mmhmm.
Lesley Stahl: And some people say the whole reason is to get their hands on those chips.
Gina Raimondo: That's a problem, it's a risk, it makes us vulnerable.
The problem of our outsourcing production goes way beyond high tech with millions of American workers having lost their jobs that went overseas, something Raimondo knows first-hand growing up as the youngest child in an Italian-American family in Rhode Island.
Gina Raimondo: This is the old Bulova watch factory where my dad worked for almost 30 years.
Sent from BePTT on my Google Pixel 8 Pro
it's not fair
[爆卦] 企鵝妹 Taiwan is a country觀眾斗內 : Taiwan is a country, does not belong to China 企鵝妹 : I agree 辱華再+1 難怪要把狗狗取名Gina 嘻嘻12
[閒聊] 美商務部調查結果:2022繼續缺晶片據 Bloomberg 和華盛頓郵報報導,美國商務部在由各大半導體商處取得供應鏈資料,並且訪談了多個相關產業後,發佈了一份關於半導體供應鏈狀況的報告 當中指出全球短缺情況將至少持續到 2022 年後半。 商務部長 Gina Raimondo 直言「我們離脫離困境還遠得很」。 根據報告,美國採購晶片的下游廠商平均庫存中位數,由 2019 年的 40 天,降到了現在僅 5 天。這使得美國公司對於供應鏈風險的承受度大為降低,甚至是到貨時間小幅度的波動(例如被卡在港口一個禮拜),都能使生產停擺。 受影響最重的是寬頻設備生產公司、車商及醫學裝置製造商,而據商務部的調查,並沒有屯貨居奇的情況,單純是因為需求的增加導致生產無法跟上。3
Re: [新聞] 環球晶宣布新廠落腳美國德州 將興建12吋這個新聞比較有趣 The world’s third-largest maker of semiconductor wafers, Taiwan’s GlobalWafe rs,announced plans to build a$5 billion factory in the U.S. on Monday—but only if the government helps pay for it.
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