Re: [新聞] 兩岸開戰美將毀台積電是錯誤訊息! 白

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US would destroy Taiwan's semiconductor factories rather than letting them
fall into China's hands, a former national security advisor says


Britney Nguyen Mar 14, 2023, 4:17 PM

A former national security advisor said the US would destroy Taiwan's
semiconductor factories if China seemed on the verge of controlling them
after an invasion.

Robert O'Brien, who served as national security advisor in the Trump
administration, told Semafor the US "and its allies are never going to let
those factories fall into Chinese hands."
川普政府的國家安全顧問歐布萊恩告訴Semafor(新聞網站): 美國與其盟友不會讓

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company is the world's largest chipmaker,
making up an estimated 90% of the market for advanced processors. The companyproduces chips for most devices and equipment like phones and cars that are
used every day. More advanced chips produced by the manufacturer are used in
highly advanced technology like machine learning and guided missiles.
TSMC是世界最大的晶片製造, 涵蓋高端晶片的90%. 這家公司出產晶片給多數裝置與設備如手機和汽車. 此外先進晶片可用於高端科技如機器學習和導引飛彈等

If China were to take control of these factories, the country would be "like
the new OPEC of silicon chips," O'Brien said, adding that China would be ableto "control the world economy."
若中國控制這些晶片, 台灣將會像是晶片界的OPEC組織, 中國此後將掌控世界的經濟

The former advisor compared the US destroying the factories to when British
Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered the destruction of France's naval
fleet during World War II after France surrendered to Germany, per Semafor.
前國安顧問甚至將此比喻為二戰時前英國首相邱吉爾在法國投降後, 為防止落入德軍

Neither O'Brien nor TSMC immediately responded to requests for comment from

Apple is TSMC's biggest customer, and the manufacturer produces most of the
1.4 billion smartphone processors in the world. Around 60% of the simpler
microcontrollers that automakers also reportedly use are made by the company.蘋果是TSMC最大的買家, 而製造商(TSMC)生產大部分的手機晶片 (14億). 大約六成的

Though a lot of the research and development for semiconductors happens in
the US, the past 30 years saw manufacturers deciding it was best to outsourcemanufacturing, William Alan Reinsch, a senior advisor at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies, previously told Insider.
儘管很多半導體的研究和發展仍留在美國, William Alan Reinsch(Center for strategic and internation studies的高階顧問)告訴商業內幕雜誌, 近30年內多數製造仍外包

"You build a big factory and you crank these things out by the thousands, andyou do it in a low-wage, nonunion country that probably doesn't have
environmental requirements," Reinsch said. "You keep all the design and IP athome and you do all your sales, marketing, and service at home, and that's
where you make the money."
他稱: 多數公司傾向在國外建立大型工廠、數千人幫你操縱起重機,且低薪又無工會保障可能還無相關環境法規限制的地方。而本國只保留設計與銷售等部門,這才是賺錢之道

O'Brien is not the first to raise the idea of destroying Taiwan's
semiconductor factories if China successfully invades. Two US scholars
recommended the move in a paper published by the US Army War College in 2021.其實歐布萊恩並不是第一個提出在戰時摧毀TSMC的人, 2001年時兩位美國學者即在美國陸軍戰爭學院出版品中提到此想法

"To start, the United States and Taiwan should lay plans for a targeted
scorched-earth strategy that would render Taiwan not just unattractive if
ever seized by force, but positively costly to maintain," the paper said.
"This could be done most effectively by threatening to destroy facilities
belonging to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the most
important chipmaker in the world and China's most important supplier. Samsungbased in South Korea (a US ally) is the only alternative for cutting-edge
(當時的文章) 美國和台灣應該計畫一個玉石俱焚計畫保證台灣戰後會一文不值
讓占領後控制者得不到好處但又付出龐大代價, 計畫中就提到威脅摧毀TSMC設施
會是最有效果的方法, 畢竟該工廠是世界與中國最大最重要的供應商, 唯有韓國

But Chen Ming-tong, the director-general of Taiwan's National Security
Bureau, has said it would be unnecessary for the US to destroy Taiwan's
semiconductor factories in the case of an invasion, because the system is
already deeply integrated into the global supply chain, meaning that
production can be shut down by the US and other countries without physically
destroying the factories.
但台灣國安會首長陳明通提到, 美國摧毀TSMC工廠是不必要的, 畢竟TSMC的製程已經
緊緊的融入世界供應鏈中, 意味著美國只要停供相關零件給台積電即可不費一兵一卒

For example, TSMC wouldn't be able to produce certain chips without
components from the Dutch supplier ASML, Chen said. "Even if China got a holdof the golden hen, it won't be able to lay golden eggs," Chen said.
舉例而言, 只要荷蘭ASML供應商停供設備, TSMC即無法生產晶片, 中國得到了金母雞也

As tensions between mainland China and Taiwan continue to escalate, analysts
are predicting a Chinese invasion of the island within the next few years. IfChina does invade Taiwan, "that would be the biggest impact we've seen to theglobal economy — possibly ever," Glenn O'Donnell, the vice president and
research director at Forrester, previously told Insider, adding that it couldbe worse than the stock market crash in 1929.
兩岸情勢上升, 分析指出未來幾年不排除爆發侵略戰爭, 若兩岸戰爭爆發, 我們將看到
有史以來對世界經濟最大的影響 , Glenn O'Donnell(Forrester的副總裁)告訴商業內幕雜誌, 甚至比1929經濟大蕭條時更為嚴峻



聯合報甚至只翻了前半段, 後半段我剛才補上翻譯



若不爽, 怎麼不去請商業內幕雜誌徹文?

西方主流媒體都登上去了, 現在是蒙住雙眼就沒有這件事?

美國有權可以擬定各種計畫, 台灣也有權利知道好嗎?


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spzper 03/15 17:44是真是假沒人知道阿~有人敢保證一定不會?

yesman1214 03/15 17:45死忠低端仔潛意識就認為是假的

yesman1214 03/15 17:45能逃的自保就好

q34355997 03/15 17:46就塔綠班怕台灣人不當美國砲灰拼命騙

q34355997 03/15 17:46能騙一個是一個 你們不為美國去死他們

q34355997 03/15 17:46怎麼有機會去美國吃香喝辣

cdmlin 03/15 17:48關鍵設備跟材料掌握在歐美日 只工廠沒屁用

yoshilin 03/15 17:48這幾個美國人就門外漢,台gg少了美日荷

yoshilin 03/15 17:48支援,也就是廢墟而已

peterwu4 03/15 17:48台GG只會做IC而以… 美國日本一旦把原物

yoshilin 03/15 17:48講得好像得台gg得天下

peterwu4 03/15 17:49料供給切斷GG也沒有用,所以台GG落入中

Qaaaa 03/15 17:49這新聞好像快半年前就有ㄌ

peterwu4 03/15 17:49共沒這麼嚴重,反而有助於平衡中國和美

Qaaaa 03/15 17:49怎最近才在吵說

peterwu4 03/15 17:50國的關係~~

peterwu4 03/15 17:51美國就是割世界的韭菜割的太習慣了…面

DuvetLain 03/15 17:51對於世界來說,台灣回歸中國,只要能

DuvetLain 03/15 17:51正常貿易其實沒差

peterwu4 03/15 17:51對中國的崛起很不爽很不適應而以… 其他

peterwu4 03/15 17:52國家甚至歐盟也都在看啊~~ 像歐盟看你

peterwu4 03/15 17:52美國如果真的能拿下中國,它們也沒意見

peterwu4 03/15 17:53反正就繼續跟著美國爽跟著美國混而以~~

peterwu4 03/15 17:54美國一直爛招在搞中國,大家都發現只能

DuvetLain 03/15 17:54問題是,為什麼美國可以公然主張為了

DuvetLain 03/15 17:54自己的利益,毀壞他國的設施財產好像合

DuvetLain 03/15 17:54理當然,甚至當事國還要拍手支持,欣然

DuvetLain 03/15 17:54接受

peterwu4 03/15 17:54照著你美國的規矩玩都不能崛起…然後又

peterwu4 03/15 17:55喊著民主自由自由貿易…

DuvetLain 03/15 17:57如果台灣人民的選擇就是和平統一,美

DuvetLain 03/15 17:57國也是或有權摧毀台灣嗎?還是恐嚇台灣

DuvetLain 03/15 17:57人,追求和平就是與美國為敵?

leonhsu 03/15 18:04開戰前國軍贏團結主動攻擊美國人撤僑專

leonhsu 03/15 18:04

sd90213 03/15 18:09世界高喊的民主自由 結果都是戰爭

buddhawu 03/15 18:14台積電的設備/材料/軟體全都跟人買的

buddhawu 03/15 18:15美國只要一制裁,分分秒台積就變中芯惹

npsi 03/15 18:15你這樣會讓黨不開心

sanders 03/15 18:22這是3/13的報導 本篇是說歐15日接受訪問

ptychodera 03/15 18:29表面台灣人內心美國人 一直為美考慮

Stunts 03/15 18:45那3/13的報導還是在啊,難道今天否認,當

Stunts 03/15 18:45天講的就不算數?而且這算哪門子的否認?

Stunts 03/15 18:45 散布新聞就是中共認知作戰,那他當初就

Stunts 03/15 18:45不該說出口

lymyuming 03/15 18:46陶本和是EE御用記者啊,不意外

BbxCn 03/15 18:57美國是怕台積電落入中國手中,先進製程的

BbxCn 03/15 18:57整套技術被中國學走,美國不會想冒這風險

BbxCn 03/15 18:57蠻合理的

suanruei 03/16 09:43陶大記者應該換個筆名,不然每次洗地都

suanruei 03/16 09:43不太成功

kevin540 03/16 09:55感謝翻譯