[問卦] 誰whoop地最好聽?
90年代 比較有印象的是R&B天后唐妮布雷斯頓
然後...蔡依林開始創作後 也開始whoop了
這些歌手 誰whoop地最好呢?
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雖然歌名是 但珍娜沒有真的發出那聲whoops
※ 編輯: toofat ( 臺灣), 11/25/2023 18:02:35爆
[花邊] 老尖:為何龜龜場均大三元是刷,阿肥不是Why when Russ was avg a triple double 3 straight yrs it was a problem he stat padding but joker do it he can win his 3 rd MVP they do the same stuff every y r have great stats great regular season and get they ass whoop in the playoff s but no criticism爆
[花邊] Charles Barkley 保證國王今天G5大勝勇士"The Kings are gonna whoop [the Warriors] ass tonight. It ain't going to be close." - Charles Barkley is GUARANTEEING a Kings blowout win in Game 5 Do you agree with Chuck?爆
[花邊] Morant回嗆Kuminga來源:Morant twitter 內容: 勇士菜鳥Kuminga在賽後po了爆
[情報] 老巴:我保證太陽將擊敗鵜鶘老巴:我保證太陽將擊敗鵜鶘 "The Suns gonna whoop these boys, plain and simple." Chuck is GUARANTEEING Phoenix will advance past New Orleans 老巴:太陽會痛扁這些傢伙的。 老巴保證太陽將會擊敗鵜鶘。爆
[花邊] 記者詢問咖哩今天比賽計畫 咖哩:打爆他記者詢問Curry今日面對灰熊的比賽計畫 Curry:打爆他們,這就是我們的計畫 (Whoop that trick為灰熊主場常使用的助威廣播,為曼菲斯方言,意思Kick somebody’s爆
[外絮] 嘴綠:不尊重只有贏球才會跟球迷互動的人嘴綠:不尊重那些只有贏球才會跟球迷互動的人 The Warriors were trailing by 50, though, to that point — flirting with an all- time bad loss in the playoffs. To Green, he wanted to match the energy that fans in Memphis provided as the Warriors clearly didn't do that on the floor with th eir play.81
[花邊] Draymond Green和灰熊球迷一起跳舞Dray was vibing to "Whoop That Trick" during the Grizzlies blowout 看影片就對了! Draymond舞技真棒 —53
[花邊] 聖誕大戰將由勇士對陣灰熊The Golden State Warriors and Memphis Grizzlies are headed for a Christmas Day r ematch following their contentious Western Conference Semifinal series, accordin g to NBA insider Marc Stein. 根據Marc Stein的消息,聖誕大戰其中一場將由勇士對陣灰熊,也是充滿話題性的一場42
[花邊] Iguodala:面對灰熊時,勇士記者發假新聞Iguodala:面對灰熊時,勇士記者發布假新聞 Cyrus Saatsaz, 另一個勇士記者XD Here’s @andre saying on his podcast that when @kendra__andrews12
Re: [花邊] PP:KG曾在更衣室與Kidd對峙,隨後球隊抱歉,你的理解可能有點問題。 這邊是原始訪談,關於KG跟Kidd的衝突從1:12:00開始 你提供的英文逐字稿: J Kidd come in there. Aw, he yelling. He yelling at us. And I know KG