Re: [問卦] 宏都拉斯斷交沒

看板Gossiping標題Re: [問卦] 宏都拉斯斷交沒作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:6

As a Brazilian, I would like to make some comments.
First, I dont like the title. We are no one's backyard. This is precisely thenotion which is leading much of Latam's public opinion to go against the
West. We are not colonies, or backyards, or anything of the sort. These
dictatorships you showed on the video were all propped up by the CIA,
disrespecting the sovereignity of our nations and throwing us into a human
rights and economic crisis which is still felt to this day.
Second, if we trade with China, it is because it is benefitial to us. The US
and the UE are in direct competition with Brazil's soy exports, for instance,and have blocked us from trade deals with their respective economic blocks.
Much of US industry is leaving Brazil, and chinese industries are taking
their place. Why would we oppose that?
Third, to wrap everything up, I would like to say that we are only acting in
our own best interests. Ideologies and cultural ties are all well and good
but it is money that makes the world go round, and China is simply offering
us a better deal than the West.


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breacal 03/19 18:52中國要投資南美? 南美該不會要賣港口礦

breacal 03/19 18:52產抵債

haklim 03/19 18:57抵制宏都拉斯產出的咖啡

FatFatQQ 03/19 19:09只有美國可以掠奪別人別人不行

rogergon 03/19 19:46門羅主義下的美洲,就是美國的後院

rogergon 03/19 19:47在歐洲眼裡的非洲也是一樣

rogergon 03/19 19:48第三世界之所以是第三世界,有其原因

z0 03/19 20:21事實啊 南美本來就美國的後院 誰動誰死 看看那

z0 03/19 20:21些被美國搞下來的反美份子