[問卦] 邦喬飛最好聽的歌是哪首?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 邦喬飛最好聽的歌是哪首?作者
時間推噓64 推:65 噓:1 →:27



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AQUANGEL 04/29 07:50就那首啊

ivorysoap 04/29 07:50my way

magicchase 04/29 07:50Always那首

hahamay 04/29 07:51I’m said

lisb5300 04/29 07:51dry county

King5566 04/29 07:51bibbidiba

q210216 04/29 07:53老(¬д¬。)

bobjohns 04/29 07:54Is my life

derrick1220 04/29 07:54瞎叔可蛤

senscircadvs 04/29 07:57當然是living on a prayer

k1222 04/29 07:57These days

suede1237 04/29 08:01bed of roses

b93510015 04/29 08:06Someday I’ll be Saturday night

jeter17 04/29 08:06Living

darkholy 04/29 08:12一次賣賴

ShaNe1993 04/29 08:12快樂崇拜

v7q4 04/29 08:15抄襲鳥之詩

GJP6 04/29 08:18Always

MasterBating 04/29 08:19you give love a bad name

maple0425 04/29 08:19倒退嚕

RELAX999 04/29 08:20these days

benson502 04/29 08:24使勁搖

xboy3609 04/29 08:25快樂崇拜

abc9bitedi 04/29 08:25一首太難選

exojin 04/29 08:29I want you

tigerface 04/29 08:31蝦酥惹哈

Insania 04/29 08:36always那首

ImBBCALL 04/29 08:37林肯怕

arrc21 04/29 08:40樹枝孤鳥

linchen1121 04/29 08:41It’s my life

zzz2794 04/29 08:45林肯怕!

PunkGrass 04/29 08:46蝦酥惹哈

linfon00 04/29 08:46you give love a bad name

linfon00 04/29 08:47中文翻譯好像叫你的愛聲名狼藉

rommel1990 04/29 08:48blaze of glory

paul5566 04/29 08:48挪威的森林

lastion 04/29 08:56我難過

jagger 04/29 08:56蝦酥了哈

The4sakenOne 04/29 08:5633f+1

Golven 04/29 08:58Bad Medicine

koiopolo2 04/29 09:00我最喜歡bon jovi的sweet child o

koiopolo2 04/29 09:00mine

ralfeistein 04/29 09:02Cross Road那張的歌都蠻頂的

kimura0701 04/29 09:02得意的一天

Yoshikage 04/29 09:05的確腦裡馬上想到you give love a bad

Yoshikage 04/29 09:05name

monkeyyao 04/29 09:07伊吃my懶~

stevenpiglin 04/29 09:08椅子蠻爛

dontaskme 04/29 09:11I’ll be there for you

pccckk 04/29 09:12you give love a bad name

Jin63916 04/29 09:14It’s my life

analyzer 04/29 09:14Dry country, misunderstood

Lezone 04/29 09:19天天在311上聽Living on a prayer考上台大

yoysky 04/29 09:20太多,沒辦法選

impisadog 04/29 09:27下凸了蛤 聽光頭葛格的 超好聽

stillstands 04/29 09:29

a382 04/29 09:29好多都超愛

nonooryes 04/29 09:39汪踢杯歐耳賴

mixtape7 04/29 09:43外好汝甘知

Cloudyagent 04/29 09:44小鐘是不是有超過那首 蝦酥?

game0487 04/29 09:45Only Lonely感覺最後的華麗金屬

adamyang2000 04/29 09:52It's my life

aresjung 04/29 09:54歌詞一直講Bat man 的那首

steventw 04/29 10:00highway to hell

QQballf 04/29 10:11Always

UrFather 04/29 10:21Santa Fa

DuckWu 04/29 10:21浪人情歌

yaohwei 04/29 10:26it's my life

CrowChes 04/29 10:37always

coolbandit 04/29 10:55living on a prayer

shadowstrike 04/29 11:07自己比較喜歡wanted dead or alive

shadowstrike 04/29 11:07的不插電

pttkobe5566 04/29 11:09I’ll be there for you. Never say

pttkobe5566 04/29 11:09 goodbye

willyhsuan 04/29 11:12Living on a prayer/I'll be there fo

willyhsuan 04/29 11:12r you

blufish 04/29 11:18Keep the faith

RZRZ 04/29 11:23蝦酥惹哈

kilhi 04/29 11:32It’s my life

wingss3025 04/29 11:32Cross Road超級經典 只差沒有一直買

guns5150 04/29 11:43Blood on blood, Wild in the streets

ruffryders 04/29 12:07火星美麗皇后

sworddragon 04/29 12:21We're not born to follow, MV直接上

sworddragon 04/29 12:2164天安門事件畫面

ohlong 04/29 12:37你給愛一個蝙蝠俠

tikowm 04/29 14:22I'll be there for you

k945 04/29 16:20問這種問題表示你根本不喜歡邦喬飛

tending 04/29 16:54我難過

adamyang2000 04/29 17:13It’s my life

shi21 04/29 21:01It's my life

bigtien6292 04/30 01:43晚年喉嚨畫了 QQ

bigtien6292 04/30 01:43*壞

minlinhsiao 04/30 18:35Always