[爆卦] MCR 鼓手 Bob Bryar 過世
My Chemical Romance drummer Bob Bryar found dead in his home at 44
Authorities revealed to TMZ was discovered dead at his home in Tennessee on Wednesday ahead of Thanksgiving. Bob was last seen alive earlier this month on November 4
Bob Bryar
My Chemical Romance drummer Bob Bryar was found dead
By Angelica Cheyenne
22:26 ET, Nov 29 2024UPDATED23:33 ET, Nov 29 2024
My Chemical Romance drummer Bob Bryar, who played with the band from 2004 to 2014, is dead.
Authorities revealed to TMZ was discovered dead at his home in Tennessee on Wednesday ahead of Thanksgiving. Bob was last seen alive earlier this month on November 4. No foul play is suspected, and that's because none of Bob's weapons and music equipment at his home were touched, according to TMZ. The news outlet reported that Animal Control visited Bob's residence after his badly decomposing body was discovered to take two dogs away. A medical examiner is investigating the cause of the rock star's death and the way in which he passed away at this time.
Bob and the My Chemical Romance band first met when the rock group was touring with The Used in 2004, and had officially replaced MCR's original drummer Matt Pelissier.
This happened not too long after My Chemical Romance dropped their 2004 album Cheers For Sweet Revenge. Bob has been the new official drummer since then, playing the drums on MCR's 2006 album The Black Parade, and also wrote songs for their 2010 record Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys. Just before the release of Danger Days Bob had departed from MCR to work with other bands, eventually announcing that he was leaving the music industry to pursue real estate.
Bob was included in a remembrance for late Rush drummer Neil Peart in 2020, andduring his appearance he spoke about his child love and friendship with the fellow rock n' roll icon. Following Bob leaving MCR he has experienced suicidal thoughts multiple times. Although MCR was scheduled to tour in 2025, Bob wasn't going to come back and reunite with the band. So far, Bob is the "the longest-tenured drummer in band history," according to TMZ.
My Chemical Romance formed on September 12, 2001, a day after the terrorist attacks that happened on September 11, 2001. According to The Rolling Stone, MCR credits their band's formation with the 9/11 events.
According to the news publication, "Singer Gerard Way was working at Cartoon Network in New York City and experienced the aftermath firsthand, inspiring him tocreate something that could change the world for the better."
誰 不過RIP
搖滾樂隊很多信仰撒旦的 祝他們明
造物主已經要開始大清洗計畫了 還
RIP 沒聽過 Taylor Hawkins有名多了
to carry on , we'll carry on...
才剛宣布要巡演的 這是我最常聽的團
哭死 這幾天突然很懷念一直在聽他們
When I was a young boy
震驚 QQ
幹 還沒看到復出欸
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