[問卦] 比賽大幅領先是不是要call game比較好?
比賽已經大幅領先了 對手又爛 已經穩贏了
是不是提早call game比較好
可是職業比賽好像都沒call game制度
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叫外野上來投手丘 娛樂一下
of course not, 要打到讓他老母認不出
[外絮] 老巴: 熱火跟湖人都得要在Game6贏球來源:Basketball Network 網址: "That next game is their Game 7" - Charles Barkley urges the Los Angeles Lakers and the Miami Heat to close out their series in Game 6 老巴要湖人跟熱火得要在G6拿下系列戰爆
[情報] 兩罰不進輸球,AD沮喪:我負責兩罰不進輸球,AD沮喪:我負責 A dejected AD at the press conference tonight: "Make 2 free throws go up 4, diff erent ball game. To me the rest doesn't matter. I had a chance to ice the game." 賽後採訪時沮喪的AD:兩罰全進我們就領先4分了,比賽就完全不一樣。其他的都不重要, 我曾有機會終結比賽。爆
[花邊] Tatum:新秀賽季曾3-2領先過,但現在不Tatum:新秀賽季曾3-2領先過,但現在不同了 You've been in this position before with a chance to go to the Finals. Does this feel different? 你以前也遇到過這種情況(3-2),有機會進入總決賽。 這次感覺有什麼不同嗎? Tatum:Yeah, it does. My rookie year, being up 3-2, you know, obviously differen爆
[情報] 勇士這場比賽最後PlayUnreal how badly the Warriors blew this game to the Jazz. Up 4, leaving Malik Beasley - 39% from 3 - completely wide open. Up 1, weak ball control on the inbound. That'll go down as one of the most unthinkable comebacks of the entire NBA seaso n.爆
[外絮] Horry:湖人一領先就微笑,這很不專業Horry:湖人一領先就微笑,這很不專業 "I watch the game, and as soon as they get a lead, they start smiling and having all these antics not realizing the other team is watching you. And that's fueli ng their fire. I know that's what this game has turned into. Everybody wants to throw antics up when they make a 3-pointer, they're so happy they finally make a73
[外絮] 追夢:火勇大戰他們是贏不了的I will tell you where they made their biggest mistake, where they made their big gest mistake was Daryl Morey coming out and saying we this team is built to beat the Warriors, we like, all right, we'll get there. We'll get to that game and t hen we're going to beat them. They're not going to beat us. We don't think they can beat us. Why didn't we think they can beat us?45
[花邊] 灰狼本賽季19次領先10+分時輸球Minnesota led Los Angeles by as much as 15 points during its Play-In matchup for the seventh seed in the Western Conference. They ended up losing in OT 108-102. It's the Timberwolves' 19th loss this season when the team had a 10+ point lead during the game.3
[閒聊] 今年NLCS第七場 VS 2015年台灣大賽第七場一個是美國兄弟象:亞特蘭大勇士隊 另一個是台灣的兄弟象 兩隊的共同點都是戰歌很像 然後也是在3勝1敗之後,從Game 5開始輸球 在第七場比賽輸給主場球隊7
Re: [花邊] K湯爸: 我討厭運動裡面的"潛規則"潛規則大都是那種概念 "贏了就好 給輸家留點餘地" 好像叫做"運動家精神"是吧? 所以你看很多在討論潛規則時 都會拿old school來說 尤其是所謂的大比分差距2
[問題] 這場是有史以來對外卡最大經濟差落敗嗎這場BYG對GS 中期BYG努力打了幾波起來 中期經濟差最大的時候 BYG贏了GS有7k~8k 結果幾波下來莫名其妙一直被逆轉 打到後來主堡被GS給爆破 GS經濟依然沒贏過BYG 以前經濟大領先輸game的世界賽很多 但對手都主要賽區
[問卦] 央視五方法教你辨邪教爆
[問卦] 尹錫悅:愛國市民們 韓國正被親北勢力威脅X
[問卦] 北檢怒了:遭部分民眾斷章取義+扭曲爆
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[問卦] 起訴之後,為什麼還要羈押?爆
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