[問卦] 幹 是要拍幾次啦?72不煩我都煩
流量世代 有蹭有賺
曾經有個暗夜行者 但是被綁去精神病院了
Russia has launched a wave of ai
r strikes against cities across
Ukraine, including Kyiv, leaving
at least 13 people dead.
Eleven people including a child
were killed in an attack that hi
t a block of flats in the centra
l city of Uman, officials said.
And a woman and her three-year-o
ld daughter were killed in the c
ity of Dnipro, according to the
local mayor.
Explosions were also reported in
the city of Kremenchuk in centr
al Ukraine.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Ze
lensky said the apartment block
was among 10 residential buildin
gs that were damaged in Uman. Th
e state rescue service said the
child killed in the city was bor
n in 2013 and another 11 people
needed hospital treatment.
Mr Zelensky said the attacks sho
wed further international action
needed to be taken against Russ
"Evil can be stopped by weapons
- our defenders are doing it. An
d it can be stopped by sanctions
- global sanctions must be enha
nced," he said in a tweet.
The head of the Kyiv city milita
ry administration said it was th
e first Russian missile attack o
n the capital in 51 days.
There are no immediate reports o
f civilian casualties in the cap
Twenty-one out of 23 missiles an
d two attack drones were shot do
wn by Ukraine's air defence syst
em, officials said in a post on
the messaging service Telegram.
Russia has said that seven peopl
e were killed in the separatist-
run city of Donetsk when Ukraini
an shelling hit a minibus. BBC N
ews has been unable to immediate
ly verify the claim.
A video posted on Telegram by Uk
raine's State Border Service sho
wed a badly damaged apartment bu
ilding in Uman after the strikes
A resident of one damaged block
of flats, Olga, told the Reuters
news agency that windows were b
lown out of her apartment "then
came the explosion".
One man cried as he watched the
emergency services carry a body
away on a stretcher.
Another local resident said he h
eard an explosion at 04:30 local
time (02:30 GMT), and "there we
re two very strong explosions, e
verything started to burn, cars
started to burn."
The attacks come as Ukrainian fo
rces say they are ready to launc
h a military offensive with new
equipment, including tanks, supp
lied by Western allies.
"As soon as there is God's will,
the weather and a decision by c
ommanders, we will do it," Ukrai
nian Defence Minister Oleksii Re
znikov told an online news brief
ing on Friday.
Russia has struggled to make hea
dway in a winter offensive inclu
ding a 10-month battle for contr
ol of the strategically importan
t city of Bakhmut.
The Russian defence ministry sai
d on Friday its military had tar
geted Ukrainian army reserve uni
ts with long-range strikes using
high-precision weapons, accordi
ng to a report by the state-owne
d RIA news agency.
Moscow has previously said it do
es not deliberately target civil
ians, but thousands have been in
jured and killed across Ukraine
since Russia's invasion.
[問卦] 72妹也太混了吧?今天才走12km嗨嗨嗨 大家午安 小妹好奇的問 72妹484太混了啊? 昨天讓他休息一天了 剛剛還拉屎就算了14
[問卦] 有車沒禮讓行人,要怎麼檢舉?今天過馬路的時候 突然有一部汽車,直接從我面前呼嘯而過 本肥在多走幾步的話,就要變屍體了 想說要檢舉沒禮讓行人 可是也沒錄影拍照什麼的12
[問卦] 為什麼常看到女生過馬路在中間停下來?我忽然發現 為什麼有些女生過馬路會走到一半在中間停下來啊 還有一種是走到路中間忽然回頭走一二步 又轉回去繼續走的? 而且幾乎都是中年婦女?1
[問卦] 羅東夜市好多正妹整路從頭硬到尾怎麼辦我在羅東夜市 幹好多正妹 隨便走都撞到好幾個 害我從一進去就一路硬到現在8
Re: [寶寶] 快滿2歲懶得走路怎麼教??我們家也是一樣的困境 下面是個人淺見 ※ 引述《eric7693 (ㄩ皮88)》之銘言: : : 我兒子快滿二歲- 欸欸欸 幹 有個新來的同事 還沒講過幾次話 今天車子早上停拎北固定在停的位子 害我要多走幾步路
Re: [新聞] 為拍富士山美照「亂闖馬路跳躍」!居民困這我有經驗 這次春節我也有去富士山啦 便利商店後面就是富士山 景真的很美 也一堆人在商店前拍照 台灣人不走斑馬線直接橫越馬路很正常 在台灣就這樣習慣了嘛4
[問卦] 企鵝妹要是跟拍照的收一百一天能賺多少?企鵝妹現在在市區走一路都被人擋下來拍照, 目前進度應該嚴重落後才對, 如果真要走到25km可能要走到半夜, 假如企鵝妹跟拍照的人一人收一百的話, 今天大概能賺多少啊?1
[問卦] 企鵝妹會走到基隆後,連假會一堆人陪走嘛如標題 越靠近市大概越多人的都紛紛找企鵝妹拍照 今天她應該能走到基隆 5/1連假這幾天到台北 應該是萬人空巷 一堆人陪企鵝妹吧?- 停好車剛走到夜市就下雨而且爆幹大,沒辦法回車上拿傘只好去超商買 煩欸一直下雨,說好的台灣缺水呢 南部拿點雨雲走好嗎?一直下雨,生氣 有沒有逛夜市到一半下雨的八卦 --
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