Re: [新聞] 烏克蘭稱前線告急
※ 引述《a40494 (田埂牧者)》之銘言:
: 現在請用你的搜尋軟體
: 輸入「烏軍告捷」等等的關鍵字
: 大部分都會跳出來這些
: 只看這些新聞
: 僅憑想像再搭配這些戰術勝利的影片
最好笑的是 連Deepstate 都看不下去了
Criticism of military communications
隨著撤軍和損失的不斷累積,Myroshnykov 和 DeepState 網站等軍事部落格都將矛頭指向烏克蘭官方通訊,指責武裝部隊提供的戰場最新情況越來越不切實際。
DeepState 在 Telegram 上發布了一段視頻,顯示一名俄羅斯士兵在索洛維奧韋村的無人機襲擊中喪生,但利用該視頻辯稱,孤立的事件可能掩蓋了大局,並指責軍方這樣做以及。
DeepState 寫道:「你可以永遠愉快地觀看俄羅斯(士兵)被撕成碎片的視頻,但附近還有另一個需要注意的地方:莫斯科人在村莊周圍平靜地走動,控制住村莊。 (烏克蘭)國防軍對他們造成火災破壞,人們可以(在國家電視台)重複至少十億次,該村莊的三分之二都在烏克蘭軍隊的控制之下,但現實情況完全不同」。
週六,霍爾蒂察行動策略小組發言人納扎爾·沃洛申(Nazar Voloshyn) 在烏克蘭電視台
就 DeepState 而言,它有不同的看法,評估俄羅斯軍隊控制 Ocheretyne 村中心(包括火車站)至少三天。上週,該監測網站對軍方提出了類似的投訴,指責「一些發言人」無能。
烏克蘭陸軍參謀長西爾斯基似乎在周日的 Telegram 帖子中回應了這些擔憂,暗示誤解是由於事態發展的不穩定性造成的。
With withdrawals and losses accumulating, military bloggers such as
Myroshnykov and the DeepState site have both taken aim at official Ukrainian
communications, accusing the armed forces of increasingly unrealistic updatesfrom the battlefield.
DeepState, in a post on Telegram, published a graphic video of a Russian
soldier being killed in a drone strike in the village of Soloviove – but
used the clip to argue that isolated incidents can mask the bigger picture,
which it accused the military of doing as well.
“You can watch with pleasure forever the video of a Russian (soldier) being
torn to pieces,” DeepState wrote, “but nearby there is another location
that requires attention: Muscovites calmly moving around the village, keepingit under control. The (Ukrainian) Defense Forces inflict fire damage on them,and one can repeat at least a billion times (on national television) that
two-thirds of the village is under the control of the Ukrainian military, butthe picture of reality is completely different.”
That assessment – that two-thirds of Soloviove village was under Ukrainian
control – was made by Nazar Voloshyn, spokesperson of the Khortytsia
operational-strategic group, on Ukrainian TV on Saturday. Nearby Ocheretyne
was also still two-thirds controlled by Ukraine, which had things in hand, hesaid.
For its part, DeepState sees it differently, assessing that Russian troops
have been in control of the center of Ocheretyne village, including the
railway station, for at least three days. Last week, the monitoring site madea similar complaint against the military accusing “some spokespersons” of
Ukrainian army chief Syrskyi appeared to address those concerns in his
Telegram post on Sunday suggesting that misunderstandings were due to the
fluidity of developments.
“There is a dynamic change in the situation, some positions change hands
several times a day, which give rise to an ambiguous understanding of the
situation,” he wrote.
But he also acknowledged Ukraine’s overall situation had deteriorated.
“The situation at the front has escalated. Trying to seize the strategic
initiative and break through the front line, the enemy has concentrated its
main efforts in several directions, creating a significant advantage in
forces and in means,” he added.
: 像這些
: 但對整體戰線來說
: 戰術勝利並不是整體戰線的態樣
: 這些影像再加上偏頗的華美字句
: 很容易被洗腦成烏軍「優勢在我」的想像
: 更準確的用現在流行的詞語
: 這就叫「認知作戰」
: 那些「認知作戰專家」
: 黑熊代表人物
: 不撻伐一下台灣與西方媒體的這種邪惡行為嗎?
: 「錯誤的戰場認知,比絲毫不知更可怕」
無聊 telegram根本都是假消息 軍武版專家
都轉最可信的推特 多看吧
deepstate自己都各種慢 各種雙標了 也好
選完了 沒空
有啦 夏季大反攻有一路打巴赫木特
[爆卦] 五角大廈:95%的普京軍隊仍完好無損The Pentagon has been providing daily updates on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Ukraine's efforts to resist. 五角大廈每天都在提供有關俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭以及烏克蘭大力抵抗的最新消息 Here are highlights of what a senior U.S. defense official told reporters on93
[爆卦] 烏克蘭反攻了大意:烏克蘭反攻,俄羅斯邊境村莊撤離 2個村莊約180撤離 4人受傷 報導來源是俄羅斯媒體 被攻擊的茹拉夫廖夫卡村距離莫斯科還有700公里83
[爆卦] 美國及其盟友悄悄地為烏克蘭流亡政府準備U.S. and allies quietly prepare for a Ukrainian government-in-exile and a long insurgency 美國及其盟友悄悄地為烏克蘭流亡政府和長期叛亂做準備 以下摘錄其中一段52
Re: [新聞] 烏東卡爾可夫相關新聞的確我是純紙上談兵。根據版友提供 Institute for the Study of War 的地圖和報告,南線俄軍是進展最順利的一路, 而且也提到南線俄軍對烏東頓巴斯一線烏克蘭軍隊的威脅, 如果烏軍不撤退的話可能遭到孤立。43
[爆卦] 烏克蘭70+士兵砲轟陣亡稍微瞄一下,好像還沒看到這條。 (TWT) More than 70 Ukrainian soldiers killed after Russian artillery hit Okhtyrka base (India Today) Russian Attack On Military Base Near Kharkiv, Over 70 Ukrainian Soldiers Killed, Family Burnt AliveX
[問卦] 傷亡慘重,則倫斯基苦撐到何時?穆巴拉赫會變成現代的長春包圍戰,則倫斯基到底什麼時候要拉下臉皮談和?? 稍微翻譯一下外媒就知道烏軍有多絕望 Russia issues new estimate of Ukrainian combat losses 俄羅斯公布烏克蘭戰損 6 Dec, 2022 13:58 / Updated 2 months ago
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