[問卦] 「同島一命」的英文怎麼說?

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One island one life?


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ufap 10/05 00:22fuxk you

TZUYIC 10/05 00:23die with DPP

jma306 10/05 00:23你有黨證嗎

syldsk 10/05 00:24Everyone jail with Twin-Taipei.

ArSaBuLu 10/05 00:24R.l.P

Roderickey 10/05 00:25Costco

Stupidog5566 10/05 00:26yo dipshit just go fuck yourself

STi2011 10/05 00:26not green go to die

shvzrrsy 10/05 00:26媽的發科

EOMing 10/05 00:27All in the same boat named Taiwan

EOMing 10/05 00:28aka Team Taiwan

gn02218236 10/05 00:30Taipei go fuck yourself

EXZUSIC 10/05 00:34I love DPP

fm4n3187 10/05 00:36We die together

eric6789 10/05 00:38Fuck you

garcia 10/05 00:39Hail DPP

raku 10/05 00:40Counter China to save Taiwan

heinztzeng 10/05 00:44TMD KP is a shit

ArmorKing 10/05 00:45DPP is god.

PaulChang 10/05 00:50Gan Ni Niang Ji Ba

JavaBass 10/05 00:52Ikea

kbten 10/05 00:52dpp taiwan value

kimicochiang 10/05 00:55DPP sucks

ArmorKing 10/05 00:56Give DPP money

billybbb 10/05 00:59dppsogood

lulocke 10/05 01:09萬華是破口

mm5566t 10/05 01:16Family in US

biggian 10/05 01:22fuck DPP

malaman 10/05 01:39everything is green

dharma123 10/05 01:53All money to d.p.p

nakayamayyt 10/05 01:54In DPP we trust

Tenging 10/05 01:55fuck ma

cluclu 10/05 02:02only DPP can live

ddddd014 10/05 02:36island-wide solidarity

sdbb 10/05 02:39we are family

anleyou 10/05 02:58同島一命 北北桃基

kiaia 10/05 03:02They want you die together.

Xaymaca 10/05 03:52All Chinese go die together.

gn01693664 10/05 04:17We Dpp's family live in USA laugh

gn01693664 10/05 04:18you

visadanny 10/05 05:01only dpp

yarnt 10/05 05:18041 140

aja1008 10/05 05:35BBGT

bcharles 10/05 06:17dpp love money

hancel 10/05 07:04Your life is DPP's.

Jerrylin1212 10/05 07:30Dpper together strong

citizen1481 10/05 07:38Hey bro

machiusheng 10/05 07:44The same asshole

jaceda 10/05 09:46DPPSucks

cytochrome 10/05 10:34DPP GO TO HELL

shun1008 10/05 11:26DPP live