Re: [問卦] 中國真的有領先於世的科技嗎?

看板Gossiping標題Re: [問卦] 中國真的有領先於世的科技嗎?作者
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※ 引述《zhxl (武裝肥宅)》之銘言:
: 剛剛聽到小粉紅細數中國領先於世界的科技
: 移動支付、高鐵、核融合、量子計算、5G網路...
: 看了我有點想笑,這些科技都是歐美發明的
: 中國不過是順應國情重點發展某項科技罷了
: 小粉紅所吹的科技也沒多領先其他國家
: 話說中國真的有領先於世的科技嗎?
Nonlinear crystal only ‘made in China’
A potentially very important nonlinear optical crystal, potassium beryllium
fluoroborate (KBBF), can be fabricated in only one laboratory in the world—
and that laboratory is in mainland China. As reported by David Cyranoski in
Nature magazine (Volume 457, pgs. 953–955, February 19, 2009)

The decades of work put into KBBF development within China have included
creating safety procedures and equipment for working with the poisonous,
cancer-causing element beryllium; the characteristics of beryllium are a
hurdle to setting up KBBF research laboratories in the U.S. and elsewhere.
For now, the rest of the world has to make do with the few KBBF crystals thatare outside China, and with other nonlinear crystals that have lesser
This Small Business Innovative Research Phase I project is to develop a
commercial growth process for single crystals of KBe2BO3F2 (KBBF) using
hydrothermal techniques. KBBF shows exceptional promise as a deep UV
non-linear optical material (NLO). NLOs are vital for the development of
solid-state lasers with wavelengths below 200 nm for use in photolithography,micromachining and spectroscopy. The sub-200 nm region is extremely
inaccessible and optics for those wavelengths are quite rare.

The successful development of commercial KBBF will enable laser applications
such as frequency doubling and wavelength mixing in the deep ultraviolet.
Currently, this material is unavailable in the open market. China has
invested heavily in developing this material but has embargoed its export.




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blackhippo 01/23 23:05中國最強不就人臉辨識跟無人機嗎

blackhippo 01/23 23:06還有人體病毒合成

darkbrigher 01/23 23:09所以ASML的曝光機用的晶體哪來的?


※ 編輯: a1e ( 臺灣), 01/23/2024 23:11:28

vwpassat 01/23 23:11鎮反、三反、五反、總路線、大躍進、人

goldman0204 01/23 23:11病毒100%致死率~生化危機

vwpassat 01/23 23:12民公社,才是支那共國對世界的貢獻吧!

godog 01/23 23:13看到綠腦無法回應 只好瘋狂跳針的樣子

godog 01/23 23:13就覺得好笑

darkbrigher 01/23 23:19我去咕狗一下 根據中國人自己的回應

darkbrigher 01/23 23:20EUV用不到KBBF啊 波長就不一樣了

我去查,福建那個研究所有去弄DUV的東西,WIKI也有寫到,EUV我不敢確定 所以我只寫曝光機

※ 編輯: a1e ( 臺灣), 01/23/2024 23:21:57

darkbrigher 01/23 23:21

darkbrigher 01/23 23:21225268

wert22823 01/23 23:23跟八卦版的井蛙認真就輸了,這邊很多

wert22823 01/23 23:24無知的蠢蛋

Rantemario 01/23 23:28波長也差太多了

bigsun0709 01/23 23:38武漢肺炎病毒啊,領先全世界