[問卦] 聽到 GO GO GO 下一句接什麼?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 聽到 GO GO GO 下一句接什麼?作者
時間推噓63 推:69 噓:6 →:21

八卦老人我那天看到某個支那哏,句型是"GO GO GO,__________________"





GO GO GO後面到底要接什麼才算神回啊??



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jameshcm 04/17 11:09stick together~

llgod 04/17 11:10roger rhat

OPPAISuki 04/17 11:10阿美GO 泰雅GO 我GO GO GO


LawLawDer 04/17 11:10啊咧啊咧咧唯一解

jjooee1428 04/17 11:10肛肛肛

pupudice 04/17 11:10ale ale ale

ziso 04/17 11:10fire in the hole

mono5566 04/17 11:10fire in hold

doveplus 04/17 11:11fire in the hole

RisingTackle 04/17 11:11請你吃芭樂

susaku 04/17 11:11fire in the hole

a22028504 04/17 11:12Bump!

andboypig 04/17 11:13fire in the hole

andboypig 04/17 11:13回阿勒阿勒阿勒 空氣應該很凝重


chanel1259 04/17 11:14圍棋圍棋圍棋?

d89413208 04/17 11:14fire in the hole

sunnyyoung 04/17 11:17啊累啊累啊累

Insania 04/17 11:17啊咧啊咧啊咧

abcde79961a 04/17 11:18Pk la, one way no bala no sula

applejone 04/17 11:18Fire in the hole

eugenehi22 04/17 11:18fire in the

EEzionT 04/17 11:18阿勒阿勒阿勒

inmee 04/17 11:19請你吃拔辣

Ommmmmm5566 04/17 11:20運動身體好

maximu 04/17 11:22Fire in the hole

dean1990 04/17 11:22大家好我是威士忌達人學苑首席顧問林一

dean1990 04/17 11:22


sekokawana 04/17 11:22srick together team

sekokawana 04/17 11:22t

chu 04/17 11:23我和你一樣 是啊哩啊哩 真的老了

kusork 04/17 11:24啊勒啊勒啊勒 . . . 我就老人

Subliminal 04/17 11:25幹!誰扔閃光彈!

jplix 04/17 11:26?

ThisisLongID 04/17 11:27fire in the hole

staynero8007 04/17 11:28下意識也是阿雷阿雷阿雷

davis1990 04/17 11:28我也是阿勒阿勒阿勒...老了嗚嗚

imjun 04/17 11:29GoGoGo國民黨

ImBBCALL 04/17 11:31Gigi 棋靈王

clark3530 04/17 11:31fire in the holeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

bla 04/17 11:31回阿咧啊咧阿咧的至少35歲


BOARAY 04/17 11:32放屁還沒30也聽過 不知道什麼廣告聽到的

Steins 04/17 11:33運動身體好

htc10 04/17 11:34小心手榴彈

chuang7718 04/17 11:35move move move

chuang7718 04/17 11:35power ranger woo~~~

la8day 04/17 11:40好累好累好累

AresPeng 04/17 11:40請你吃芭樂

jack111222 04/17 11:41阿勒阿勒阿勒還好吧,1 2 3 4阿勿才叫

jack111222 04/17 11:41


eeccms 04/17 11:42運動身體好

ccucwc 04/17 11:43掐哩甲拔辣

jshuang 04/17 11:44不是lucky ball go嗎

那個前面有Go go go嗎?我知道的版本是lucky ball~~~(拉長音) GO!!!!

zaq266 04/17 11:46國民黨

optima 04/17 11:50阿勒阿勒阿勒

Orz9106 04/17 11:51狗狗睪丸被割


durant1224 04/17 11:53fire in the hole

rindesu 04/17 11:53請你吃拔辣

gynd31517 04/17 11:57睪丸被割

yaow777 04/17 11:58巴辣沒丟好,彈回來……

killer0911 04/17 12:081998世界盃主題曲 25歲 有聽過


child1991 04/17 12:16世足主題曲啊

soy915221 04/17 12:18cover me!

vikingman 04/17 12:21B31 b84

tmwolf 04/17 12:23fire in the holr

motan 04/17 12:31fire in the hole

longkiss0618 04/17 12:31棋靈王

tetsu2008 04/17 12:32阿雷阿雷阿雷

doubleperson 04/17 12:33金剛戰士那首


okagami 04/17 12:33head shot, first blood!

climax1309 04/17 12:34幹!!是誰亂丟閃光彈

et310 04/17 12:34fire in the hole

kshtainan 04/17 12:47allez allez allez


new71050 04/17 12:52阿雷阿雷阿列

Townshend 04/17 12:53夠了夠了夠了 好累好累好累

carryton 04/17 13:05terrorist win

lee79102 04/17 13:13GoGo宜得利GoGo北海道


※ 編輯: elwyn ( 澳大利亞), 04/17/2023 13:18:12

deerdriver 04/17 13:19Go go power ranger

airlow 04/17 13:31我也被宜得利洗腦

forng 04/17 13:39盲人開車 後面乘客大喊 溝 溝 溝

forng 04/17 13:39司機:阿咧阿咧阿咧 然後就整車摔死了

pony0935 04/17 13:46rush B cyka blyat

DearR 04/17 13:48Sector clear

sam197665 04/17 13:51[go go go 國民黨] 笑到肚子痛的神曲

sam197665 04/17 13:55

lercon 04/17 14:13肉!

fir191938 04/17 14:25阿咧啊咧啊咧

Trulli 04/17 14:30fire in the hole

bendu 04/17 14:301234 阿嗚

chiopin 04/17 14:42Go Go宜得利

oooocat 04/17 14:43我也是睪丸被割

ms0286415 04/17 15:10蘋狗 香蕉狗 奇異狗

dumbin 04/17 16:02歐蕾歐蕾歐蕾

dctofmax 04/17 18:34狗狗睪丸被割

FreeCharm 04/17 20:33那年我國三 世界杯瑞奇馬丁

bruce78131 04/17 22:55Power rangers