[問卦] I just have sex
holy shit
amazing song der la
I just had sex (Sex) (Hey)
And it felt so good (Felt so good) (Oh)
A woman let me put my penis inside of her (Her)
I just had sex (Sex) (Hey)
And I'll never go back (Never go back) (Oh)
To the not-having-sex ways of the past
Have you ever had sex? I have, it felt great (Yeah)
It felt so good when I did it with my penis (Yeah)
A girl let me do it, it literally just happened (Oh-oh, oh, oh)
Having sex can make a nice man out the meanest
Never guess where I just came from, I had sex
If I had to describe the feeling, it was the best (Was the best, yeah)
When I had the sex, man, my penis felt great
And I called my parents right after I was done (Oh-oh, oh)
Oh, hey, didn't see you there, guess what I just did?
Had sex, undressed, saw her boobies and the rest
But sure nice of her to let you do that thing
Nice of any girl ever
Now, sing
I just had sex (Sex) (Hey)
And it felt so good (Felt so good) (Oh)
A woman let me put my penis inside of her (Her)
I wanna tell the world
To be honest, I'm surprised she even wanted me to do it
Doesn't really make sense
But, man, screw it
I ain't one to argue with a good thing
She could be my wife
That good?
The best thirty seconds of my life (My life)
I'm so humbled by a girl's ability to let me do her
'Cause honestly, I'd have sex with a pile of manure (Manure)
With that in mind, a soft, nice-smelling girl's better
Plus, she let me wear my chain and my turtleneck sweater
So this one's dedicated to them girls
That let us flop around on top of them (Yeah)
If you're near or far, whether short or tall (Yeah)
We wanna thank you all for letting us fuck you
She kept looking at her watch
Doesn't matter, had sex
But I cried the whole time
Doesn't matter, had sex
I think she might've been a racist
Doesn't matter, had sex
She put a bag on my head
Still counts!
I just had sex (Sex) (Hey)
And my dreams came true (Dreams came true) (Oh)
So if you've had sex in the last thirty minutes
Then you qualified to sing with me (Hey)
I just had sex (Sex) (Hey) (Everybody sing!)
And it felt so good (Felt so good) (Oh) (We all had sex!)
A woman let me put my penis inside of her (Her) (I wanna tell the world)
I just had sex (I just had sex)
And I'll never go back (I just had sex) (Never go back) (No, no, no)
To the not-having-sex ways of the past (Sex has gotta be so great)
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Did you also jizz in your pants?
你三十分鐘內沒打到炮 不准唱!
Re: [求助]好Gay蜜算是男性友人嗎?或許可以用另一個角度切入思考 也就是性跟愛是分開的 香港那邊很流行用"Sex Partner"來描述 Sex Partner 的概念有點類似中文的炮友 但內涵又有點區別46
[閒聊] 鋼彈作品中有明示or暗示SEX的?如題 鋼彈作品中 我所記得就是煌跟芙勞有sex 好像都有那個事後的畫面 綜觀所有鋼彈作品18
[問卦] Ptt sex版是不是幾乎死透了?感覺沒有什麼文章, 也沒有什麼新血, 要妹子沒妹子,要經驗分享也沒有, 感覺像是一灘死水! Ptt sex版到底怎麼了?有八卦嗎?17
[問卦] 有Elon Musk推特貼出sex tape照片的八卦?我們偉大、至高無上的馬斯克、馬投顧、馬誼郎 今天在他推特貼上一張照片 是兩捲膠帶,形成一個69字樣 並問大家有沒有看過他的sex tape15
[問卦] ptt sex復興運動有戲嗎剛看到SEX版復興提案 大家都知道 PTT SEX板被DCARD屌打很久了 一邊是激情火辣 圖影兼具 一邊是馬卡壯陽 飛機杯選我13
Re: [心情] 只能跟喜歡的男生當炮友 要答應嗎?只要是過來人都會建議不要 !!砲友存在的目的就是做愛時候兩方的爽啊!! 但我們在說的是SEX 只有SEX 只有SEX12
[問卦] six, 官方發音已經是sex了?看台灣的英語新聞,或是國外媒體比如CNN,唸到six這個字的時候,幾乎都是唸sex…… 真的不只一次,聽到很多次 而且,至少五年的時間都是聽到sex six, 官方發音已經是sex了? --1
[問卦] I Just Had Sex with 雞卵 嘻嘻大家安安 餓死抬頭 I just had sex (Ay) 我剛破處啦 And it felt so good (Felt so good) 真爽 (真爽) A woman let me put my penis inside of her (Her) 一個妹讓我把我的寶貝放在她的身體 裡1
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