Re: [問卦] 紐約有什麼地方好玩的?
day 1 Central Park + riding a bike along the Hudson river
dinner: Hakata TonTon
day 2 Walk the High Line
Vessel, though still closed and not climbable :(
take the city tour bus
Washington Square Park
dinner: Shabu Tatsu
day 3 WTC + Oculus
Statue of Liberty
dinner: Taiwan Bear House
day 4 Lower Manhattan Chinatown + Soho shopping
Flatiron Building + Chelsea
day 5 Empire State Building (Observatory; of course)
lunch: Koreantown (32 st)
St. Patrick's Cathedral
day 6 Central Park (yeah, visit twice) + Columbia University
Hell's Kitchen + Times Square
dinner: Smith & Wollensky
day 7 rent a car -> 6 hours drive to Buffalo
day 8 Niagara Falls. Maid of the Mist. Cave of the Winds
dinner: Anchor Bar(1047 Main St, Buffalo)
day 9 Niagara Falls.
2-night stay:
Checkin an Airbnb; between Senaca Falls and Ithaca; lake facing house
day10 在湖邊小屋瘋狂做愛
day11 Check out as early as possible -> Cornell University -> Bushkill Falls
-> NYC
※ 引述《Ericz7000 看板: Gossiping》之銘言:
: 推薦一下
: 我的印象中
: 不是很好
: 紐約一堆流浪漢然後開車很粗暴
: 想請問一下紐約有什麼地方值得去的
: 有沒有八卦
: 嘻嘻
: --
: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
: ※ 文章網址:
: 噓 vwpassat: 曼哈頓島 05/04 02:25: 噓 whiteadam: 樓下曾經在哪裡被肛過ㄌ呢 05/04 02:25: 推 hancao0816: 世貿大樓 05/04 02:25: 推 shampoopoo: 窩都去逛美術館跟畫廊:3 05/04 02:27: 推 JoanneChung: 百老匯、麥迪遜花園廣場 05/04 02:32: 推 TZUYIC: 去世貿遺址哀悼阿 05/04 02:32: 推 NENE31: 尼克打進第二輪,可以去看NBA感受紐約球 05/04 02:34: → NENE31: 迷的瘋狂 05/04 02:34: → hybridpi: 開車很粗魯 但是應該還是比台灣好 Xd 05/04 02:34: 噓 peter98: 我就住紐約,你要來幾天你先說。 05/04 02:37: 一周半左右吧
: 噓 gigongwen: 紐約就金門大橋還有好萊塢ㄅ 05/04 02:39: 推 Gandalf: Gay bar 05/04 02:39: 推 shampoopoo: 如果尼想的話可以約不同帥大叔做愛 05/04 02:49: → WiserWilly: 布魯克林好玩 05/04 02:51: 推 zpeople0116: 去哈林區嚐一下黑人熱狗 05/04 03:09: 推 z900215ro: Midnight subway 05/04 03:16: ※ 編輯: Ericz7000 ( 美國), 05/04/2024 03:25:13
: 推 pttnowash: 紐約會有一大堆怪獸跟外星人時不石攻擊 05/04 05:37: → pttnowash: 不然就是超級天災襲擊紐約 要小心! 05/04 05:37: → pttnowash: 上次紐約因為遭受一堆外星人攻擊 05/04 05:37: → pttnowash: 政府決定射和但毀掉紐約跟外星人 05/04 05:38: → pttnowash: 核彈 05/04 05:38: → pttnowash: 還好我朋友最後決定犧牲自己 扛著核彈 05/04 05:38: → pttnowash: 飛到外太空想說要同歸於盡救紐約 05/04 05:38: 推 iosian: 哥倫比亞大學 05/04 06:20
好無聊 先去bronx玩才是正解
謝謝 另外請問做愛的對象紐約有提供嗎
吹牛 連趕那麼多行程 還能打泡 神
[問卦] 幹你媽國家級邊緣人給我站出來!大家下班安安阿,啊我就那個心齋橋哥拉 最近政府實在是大撒幣阿,雖然拿到五千很爽,但不知道這筆錢到底從何而來,也還沒花 我是覺得給五千就很大方了,幹你娘還加碼三小券的, 更過分的是要就全部都給,在那邊抽三小 老子後兩碼63拉,到現在任何一張都沒有抽到喔,so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!爆
[情報] 台積電美國來台受訓在glassdoor評論網頁在glassdoor 這glassdoor上的評論這樣寫是可以的嗎? "The work culture in Taiwan is really different than in the US. I am sure TSMC will have to change to an 8 hour work day five days a week or do what other companies do with Fabs and run three days on, four days off, four days on, three days off rotations. As it is right now in Taiwan The minimum amount of time at the company is 10 hours a day, but realistically is running up to even 12 hours a day. This is for those of us who are American training to go back to the new operation in Arizona. The reality for people from Taiwan is that they are doing even more than 12 hour days often. There's also the night shifts and weekend shifts on duty and/or on call. That last part is understandable as the fab lives 24/7."74
Re: [情報] 四月社群日童偶熊Community Day Adjustments We also wanted to take a moment to discuss some changes to the Community Day format we’ll be testing. In 2020, we doubled the length of our Community Day events, extending them from three hours to six. Since then, however, we’ve found that only five percent of our Trainers tend to participate in the event for more than three hours. One of the biggest pieces of positive feedback that we received after January’s three-hour Community Day Classic was that players and community leaders noticed how much more of the community was out and about during the event. So, for Stufful Community Day, we’re returning to three-hour format. Our hope is that doing so will create even more opportunities for Trainers to play together and connect outside as they’re exploring. We know that Trainers have enjoyed all of the extra resources that can be collected during longer events, so we’re adding some new and exciting perks to Stufful Community Day to give you the ability to collect just as many resources during gameplay. Check them out below!34
[情報] 今年MLB開幕戰平均時間比去年快半小時It took just one day for the pitch clock to make an impact on the regular season . Average Opening Day game time in 2022: 3 hours, 11 minutes. Average Opening Day game time in 2023: 2 hours, 42 minutes18
Re: [閒聊] 也來聊聊魯空烏托邦好了I have a dream that one day this price will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."7
[問卦] 對不起我錯了 企鵝妹好像真的有連續欸??我剛剛為了證明企鵝妹逛街當環島 特地去查她的行程記錄 準備施予嚴懲 痛打 洗臉 尻洗 酸爆她 可是我發現... 她的行程好像真的是連續的欸...4
[問題] 東京二月行程各位好,2月要跟朋友去東京11天 行程如下 Day 1. 2/6 一 成田機場-東京迪士尼附近飯店 Day 2. 2/7 二4
[問題] 岡山、神戶、大阪8天城堡與章魚燒請益1. 出遊日期:七月下旬,8天7夜, 70歲老人、中年人、10歲小孩各一 2. 每日行程: Day 1 岡山機場-->岡山車站旁飯店-->章魚燒Gindaco2
[影音] Bernard Park "All day" M/VBernard Park "All day" M/V cr. JYP Entertainment 偶然看到這支很可愛的卡通風格MV 聽完覺得很舒服1
[影音] 李泳知 - DAY NIGHT (ft.Jay Park)Lee Young ji - Day Night cr: ——— 泳知妹妹追星成功(笑)
[問卦] 哇靠 高雄中學校長說建中生需要教訓?爆
[問卦] 長官中風要出院了,送匾額題字?爆
[問卦] 檢察官關錄音偵訊是合法的嗎爆
[問卦] 沒人覺得這種出征的風氣很噁心嗎77
[問卦] 湾湾自己就在搞文革! 還敢笑咱內地啊爆
[問卦] 脆出征建中生 建中校長出面道歉了55
[問卦] 奈良鹿攻擊小孩 歐美人士震驚72
[問卦] 到底誰看得出來建中生在嘲諷性侵事件?81
[問卦] 鄉民為何一口咬定麥當勞事件是「青鳥」9
[問卦] 婦權團體:建中學生吃麥當勞 讓人很憂心93
[問卦] Why 8年級在公司跟主管講話 底氣十足44
[問卦] 抵制麥當勞爽到誰?40
[問卦] 為何搭飛機要提早2小時到?39
[問卦] 真假! 國軍連手槍射擊都用臥射!?爆
[爆卦] Threads肉搜建中生的青鳥女拳師已關帳29
[問卦] 建中學生具體違反了哪條我國現行法律?51
[問卦] 為何最近出事的都建中北一女?28
[問卦] 帥到排卵可以,正到射精為什麼不行30
[問卦] 麥當勞要做什麼才能洗白?25
[問卦] 檢察官是皇后的貞操 比路人更可信吧?25
Re: [新聞] 高鐵南延屏東方案底定 卓榮泰宣布:進高雄25
[問卦] 陸網友:台灣已被西方政確、 DEI綁架了21
[問卦] 高鐵確定南延高火,為什麼高雄板沒啥反23
[問卦] 中國又有新病毒 又要相信政府 相信黨嗎?22
[問卦] 這陣子一堆勞工死人為啥沒人檢討政府26
Re: [新聞] 曾是沈伯洋論文口試委員!劉靜怡3年前11
[問卦] 雄中校長參戰 痛斥挺吃麥當勞的雄中生?24
[問卦] 有沒有趙露思已無法走路和說話的八卦?22
[問卦] 如果你是那位建中生,還敢報醫學系嗎16
[問卦] 建中生先開第一槍嘲諷挖苦女權的嗎?