[問卦] 校正回歸的英文

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simon013105/22 17:04ZA

anson890105/22 17:04come back

iPolo305/22 17:04五樓的屌幫甲甲校正回歸

YU012105/22 17:04school cube return

VaLenTi100705/22 17:04teach me ANOVA

Ilat05/22 17:04Back to the Future

jay3u721805/22 17:04China virus

nanako8124005/22 17:05N改成N+P N是目前已知 P是未知

goaf295105/22 17:05DPP IS THE BEST

zzxcasd05/22 17:05lier said

makinoyui05/22 17:05ecole justice rentrer

IDfor201005/22 17:05fake

marktak05/22 17:05Tsubamekaeshi.

royaLes05/22 17:06校正回歸 seven twenty one

johnhmj05/22 17:06it's good to go back to porn 嘻嘻

aspeter05/22 17:06send to the past by time machine.

manlike05/22 17:06Back propagation

ababybee05/22 17:07correction for measurement error ?

kusork05/22 17:07It's good to drink

Hsinxyzzyx05/22 17:08Ikea

HTCtriple205/22 17:08DPP God

tim91028205/22 17:08sorry,I forget

initialdark05/22 17:09DRAW

arenoe05/22 17:10Schrodinger Data

cccmn05/22 17:11regression啦 線代就用這詞了 文科可能不懂

cleverlomb05/22 17:13這邊用adjustments就好了吧 用regression你是計量還

cleverlomb05/22 17:13是線代被當?

nicepoint05/22 17:14retroactive

yushenglu05/22 17:153+11

motan05/22 17:15trust me

TRYING05/22 17:15back to the future

FIXYE05/22 17:21跟回朔是同樣英文。

tinder1705/22 17:24Taiwan Can Lie

Nexpring05/22 17:26wecare

bsunset05/22 17:28calibration recover

yangdollar05/22 17:33TENET

miamiwade0305/22 17:43offset 其實就是補償的意思啊..

lifeishit05/22 17:45TRACE BACK

WhatsNan05/22 17:51Not real time correction feedback

aletheia05/22 17:53prior period adjustments

waxdrasd456105/22 18:10交爭輝歸

gay999gay05/22 18:32backfill

nat50601tw05/22 18:34cover

aqan05/22 18:36正解 backlog

vking22305/22 18:44魔鬼終結者:我會回來的

edc305/22 19:24 ^^

edc305/22 19:24來!聲稱英文是您母語的aehvtleo老師,您怎麼看(遞麥)^^

bonaqabo05/22 23:39Truth