Re: [新聞] 紐西蘭的下一個世代起,將「終生禁菸」

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 紐西蘭的下一個世代起,將「終生禁菸」作者
時間推噓 5 推:8 噓:3 →:8

※ 引述《Aotearoa (長白雲之鄉)》之銘言:
: 重點翻譯:紐西蘭政府預計在2022年提出,
: 立法後,在2027年開始施行的法律,
: 從2027年起,14歲以下的所有國民,
: 將「一生」被禁止購買香菸或菸草製品。
: 健康部長 Ayesha Verrall 表示:
: 「我們要確保年輕人們不會嘗試開始抽菸。」
: 目前紐西蘭的成人抽菸率大約 13%,十年前則是 18%。
: 原文:
: New Zealand will ban the sale of tobacco to its next generation, in a bid to: eventually phase out smoking.
: Anyone born after 2008 will not be able to buy cigarettes or tobacco product
: in their lifetime, under a law expected to be enacted next year.
: "We want to make sure young people never start smoking," Health Minister Dr: Ayesha Verall said.
: The move is part of a sweeping crackdown on smoking announced by New
: Zealand's health ministry on Thursday.
: Doctors and other health experts in the country have welcomed the
: "world-leading" reforms which will reduce access to tobacco and restrict
: nicotine levels in cigarettes.
: "It will help people quit or switch to less harmful products, and make it
: much less likely that young people get addicted to nicotine," said Prof Jane
: Hook from the University of Otago.
: New Zealand is determined to achieve a national goal of reducing its nationa
: smoking rate to 5% by 2025, with the aim of eventually eliminating it
: altogether.
: Currently, about 13% of New Zealand adults smoke, down from 18% about a
: decade ago. But the rate is much higher - about 31%- among the indigenous
: Maori population who also suffer a higher rate of disease and death.
: New Zealand's health ministry says smoking causes one in four cancers and
: remains the leading cause of preventable death for its five million strong
: population. The industry has been the target of legislators for more than a: decade now.
: As part of the crackdown announced on Thursday, the government also
: introduced major tobacco controls, including significantly restricting where: cigarettes can be sold to remove them from supermarkets and corner stores.
: The number of shops authorised to sell cigarettes will be drastically reduce
: to under 500 from about 8,000 now, officials say.
: In recent years, vaping - smoking e-cigarettes which produce a vapour that
: also delivers nicotine - has become far more popular among younger
: generations than cigarettes.
: New Zealand health authorities warn however, that vaping is not harmless.
: Researchers have found hazardous, cancer-causing agents in e-cigarette
: liquids as well.
: But in 2017 the country adopted vaping as a pathway to help smokers quit
: tobacco.







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LiveInNow 12/12 16:26還好啦 看到毒品新聞也不會想吸毒

cmid05 12/12 16:27算一下現在禁毒有吸毒的人口比率跟沒禁菸

cmid05 12/12 16:27吸菸人口比率

vdml 12/12 16:27就自家後院種菸草啊 手工烘培 香

Treant 12/12 16:28政策無法做到完美 但至少這是對的方向 也

stlevi811101 12/12 16:28所以你有何高見???????????????????

Treant 12/12 16:28會使抽菸人口下降 有何不好?二手煙真的

Treant 12/12 16:29臭爆


※ 編輯: takizawa5566 ( 臺灣), 12/12/2021 16:30:03 ※ 編輯: takizawa5566 ( 臺灣), 12/12/2021 16:30:22

haroldliu 12/12 16:30注定失敗收場的,除非該國也是塔綠班

yannjiunlin 12/12 16:31日本廣設更糟~歐美都沒像日本到處煙

至少這不會節外生枝出更多問題,紐西蘭的作法看似解決了表面的吸菸人口,但實際上會 誕生更難處理的地下經濟

※ 編輯: takizawa5566 ( 臺灣), 12/12/2021 16:33:25

bingripplw 12/12 16:33日本菸味超鳥

如果真的要做的這麼極端就直接把紐西蘭菸商全部拔掉,下令賣菸是違法的不是更有效率 ?

※ 編輯: takizawa5566 ( 臺灣), 12/12/2021 16:35:45

yclamp 12/12 16:35去日本不小心住到沒禁煙的房真是嘔嘔嘔

ggeneration 12/12 16:36你舉例不當 應該拿美國禁酒令當範例


※ 編輯: takizawa5566 ( 臺灣), 12/12/2021 16:36:52

sppray 12/12 16:38本來也覺得給癮君子一點空間,可是最近大

sppray 12/12 16:43麻鬼氣燄太囂張,我覺得一起滅掉算了

ccccccccccc 12/12 16:48有人邏輯陣亡了QQ

heat0204 12/12 17:17抓起來罰款就好了啊 增加國庫收入

takeashot 12/12 17:56我覺得某程度解決了欸!你在崩潰什麼

takeashot 12/12 17:56