[爆卦] 哥吉拉要對決金剛戰士啦

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Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Powers Rangers:
The Comic Book Crossover We Never Knew We Needed

Oh no! There goes Angel Grove!

By Jesse Schedeen

Posted: 17 Dec 2021 1:00 am

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have dealt with every giant monster in Rita Repulsa's almost bottomless arsenal, but they've never proven their mettle against the true king of the monsters. That's finally going to change in 2022, as the Rangers declare war on Godzilla himself.

That's the premise behind Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, an upcoming comic book crossover between IDW Publishing and BOOM! Studios. This five-issue series will explore what happens when Rita and her teenage nemeses cross over into the Godzilla universe.

Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is written by Godzilla: Cataclysm's Cullen Bunn, with art by Freddie E. Williams II (whose previous crossover work includes Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and He-Man/Thundercats) and colors by Andrew Dalhouse. Here's the official plot summary:

When Rita Repulsa uses an ancient artifact to transport herself to a universe without Power Rangers, she finds herself in a world with aliens, kaiju, and… Godzilla! Hoping to annihilate this new foe, Rita hurls her own terrible creatures into battle. But she never expects that the Rangers have followed her to this alternate reality, pitting the Dinozords themselves head-to-head with the King of the Monsters!

Based on the cover art, the series looks to take place fairly early in the Power Rangers timeline, when Tommy is still serving as the Green Ranger. The variant cover below suggests Godzilla's throw-down with the Dragonzord will be one of the pivotal matchups in the series. Though if we've learned anything about crossovers over the years, eventually the Rangers and Godzilla will put aside their differences to confront a common, pointy hat-wearing foe.

“I am honored to bring two iconic franchises like Godzilla and the Power Rangers together. I've been a massive Godzilla fan since before I could read, and my love for the King of Monsters has never faded in all those years. Likewise, I've always loved Tokusatsu superheroics, and vividly remember watching the first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when it came out. This is a crossover that I suspect will take readers by surprise—but it makes complete sense!” said Bunn in a press release. “Writing for these characters is a dream come true for this giant monster-loving kid-at-heart, and when readers pick up this book, I want them to feel that sense of awe and wonder that these characters have inspired for decades!”

“This will be the biggest, most stratospheric crossover I’ve ever drawn!” said Williams. “It’s the combination of so many big genres: Giant Monsters vs. Mechs, martial arts vs. science and magic, with lots of collateral destruction! I’ve been watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers episodes and Godzilla films to submerge my brain space, and have been reminded how fantastic and charming these designs are and how much fun prior creators had with their designs. I’m excited to contribute to the long legacies of these franchises!”

Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will kick off in March 2022.

In other Power Rangers news, the long-running TV series recently underwent its latest evolution in Season 28 with the debut of Power Rangers Dino Fury. We also know a new series of interconnected Power Rangers shows and movies is in the works, helmed by I'm Not Okay With This co-creator Jonathan Entwistle.

Jesse is a mild-mannered staff writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter.

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