[問卦] 加強針保護力十周後依舊大幅下降?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 加強針保護力十周後依舊大幅下降?作者
時間推噓 5 推:6 噓:1 →:7


Among people who received two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, a booster
with one of the mRNA vaccines, made by Pfizer and Moderna, was 60 percent
effective at preventing symptomatic disease two to four weeks after the shot.After 10 weeks, however, the Pfizer booster was just 35 percent effective.
The Moderna booster was 45 percent effective at up to nine weeks.

2-4週 有症狀保護力60%
10週以上 BNT 35% 莫德納45%

For people who were given three Pfizer doses, vaccine effectiveness dropped
from 70 percent one week after the booster to 45 percent after 10 weeks.
Pfizer recipients who received a Moderna booster, on the other hand, seemed
to fare better; their vaccine regimen remained up to 75 percent effective at
up to nine weeks.

BNT三針 一週後保護力70% 十週後45%
莫德納 九週後75%



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a27588679 12/25 17:01讓你一直打一直打

hh800315 12/25 17:02智商低的人才打疫苗==

JETPOWER 12/25 17:02==我才剛打完booster dose 還不夠

JETPOWER 12/25 17:03好啊 大家都不要打疫苗 都不要用醫療資

JETPOWER 12/25 17:03源啊

a27588679 12/25 17:03崩潰成這樣

snow0915s 12/25 17:04這樣要打幾針才能打完啊……

mioaria 12/25 17:06不是阿,疫苗防重症那幹嘛要一直打,難

mioaria 12/25 17:06道抗體濃度低就會變重症?有沒有相關研

mioaria 12/25 17:06究阿

其實只有老人比較有打加強針的必要性,年輕人根本沒有很需要 這病毒想預防感染是幾乎不可能的

※ 編輯: ben108472 ( 臺灣), 12/25/2021 17:08:27

joygo 12/25 17:12只能防重症就是危險群評估自己的染疫程度

joygo 12/25 17:12來補,至於其他族群就自由選擇,有些人希

joygo 12/25 17:12望自己能打就打

yoshilin 12/25 18:03如果新上市的藥可以用的話 就是感冒了