Re: [問卦] 最頂的「愛你」是哪首?
Loving you is like rain falling, sun shining, God calling
Loving you is like bird flying, seasons changing, baby crying
Loving you is like child laughing, clouds moving, hearts dancing
Loving you is like waves breaking, early morning, breathtaking
Part of you is what I want to be
Loving you comes so naturally
When I close my eyes you're the light I see
Nothing will ever come between you and me
Loving you is like worlds turning, snow melting, fire burning
Loving you is like seeds growing, water rushing, wind blowing
Part of you is what I want to be
Loving you comes so naturally
When I close my eyes you're the light I see
Nothing will ever come between you and me
You are my anchor
You are my guide
You tore down the walls
You build up my pride
Part of you is what I want to be
Loving you comes so naturally
When I close my eyes you're the light I see
Nothing will ever come between you and me
Loving you...
Loving you...
Loving you...
※ 引述《EGOiST40 (淳廢文)》之銘言
: 如題
: 絲絲有三種
: 愛你也有三首
: 王心凌的愛你
: 我投心凌一票啦
: 干五八卦?
: 是說2020有新版的
: utm_source=copy-link
: 但我覺得原版的比較好聽==
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