[問卦] 「房市三箭」的英文怎麽說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「房市三箭」的英文怎麽說?作者
時間推噓30 推:34 噓:4 →:17


shoot arrow to people可以嗎?


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q2203649 03/04 22:13just buy it

Qaaaa 03/04 22:14Three B區 in the house

jameshcm 03/04 22:14fans \|/

shintz 03/04 22:14house city three arrow

mrdkf801024 03/04 22:15you are so cute

stvc 03/04 22:15畢竟是死忠的

mig 03/04 22:15shot through the heart and you’re to blam

Anderson0819 03/04 22:16Dpp say three lies

bill403777 03/04 22:17higher and higher

ccjack310424 03/04 22:18economic railway engine

ppav0v0v 03/04 22:19綠色畜生

RanceTsai 03/04 22:20Too young too simple

RanceTsai 03/04 22:20Sometimes naive

planetrock 03/04 22:24greed is good

planetrock 03/04 22:25show me the money

ctisme 03/04 22:25有專屬單字 fancisanchan

j55888819 03/04 22:25Nothing but shit

nvlsvee 03/04 22:25All money back my pocket

dot0911 03/04 22:26just kidding

WestRiver0tp 03/04 22:27ThreeJoke

jackycheny 03/04 22:28just bullshit

neoa01 03/04 22:28Dpper $$

Nexpring 03/04 22:29three small pigs

kershaw1221 03/04 22:32Three bitch in Homemarket

momoleaf 03/04 22:32bullshit!

gn01693664 03/04 22:33DPPlikeshit

daniel3658 03/04 22:35idiot DPP believer

meya 03/04 22:39launch home market 3 rocket to the moon

Huan0309 03/04 22:42say my name

pikochu 03/04 22:44legal fraud

ccrhalp 03/04 22:45shit

pig2014 03/04 22:47scam

ihl123456 03/04 22:48house market three arrow

DarkerDuck 03/04 22:52three arrows in the knee

zakijudelo 03/04 23:05fa da tsai

garcia 03/04 23:06HA↗HA↘HA↗HA↘

Samon 03/04 23:13UP UP

herculus6502 03/04 23:16final fantasy

R3hab 03/04 23:18

xhung 03/04 23:31young peopleare more hopeless

kimura0701 03/04 23:52Poor people go fuck yourselves

nfsps 03/05 00:17房市三箭 talking bullshit

gime0226 03/05 00:577414

ko234488 03/05 01:23house city three arrow

amnotu 03/05 01:47史 壯 拜!

lolitass 03/05 01:57on your knee, bro

mcucte 03/05 02:20kill baby

soy915221 03/05 02:32show me the money X3

cc45612 03/05 03:25young people go to hell

villagemen 03/05 09:28bullshit

beariscut 03/05 09:34發 大 財

kuanhunter 03/05 09:39buy and hold

nick10389 03/05

selvester 03/05 11:12Tiook 3 arrows in the knees

jsie 03/05 17:11fuck蔡的住宅政策