[問卦] 瑪麗.安寧有多安寧?
James Morgan|英國|2021|劇情片|16分鐘|
A young fossil hunter makes a groundbreaking discovery,
challenging the worldview of 19th century England.
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※ PTT 留言評論
[外絮] 白色巧克力:在我的歷史排行名單中Kobe白色巧克力:在我的歷史排行名單中Kobe沒那麼高,我甚至不確定他是不是湖人隊史前五 Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest players of all time, becoming a complete lege nd during his 20-year stint with the Los Angeles Lakers, winning five championsh ips and several individual awards in one of the most honored careers in NBA hist ory.爆
[外絮] 球評:LBJ為了追求紀錄在垃圾時間留在場球評:LBJ為了追求紀錄在垃圾時間留在場上刷數據 The Los Angeles Lakers were trashed at home by the New Orleans Pelicans Sunday n ight, 123-95. In the loss, Lakers superstar LeBron James scored 32 points and pl ayed a game-high 36 minutes. Fox Sports personality Skip Bayless made mention of that fact, accusing James of padding his stats to continue his chase of Kareem爆
[外絮] Vogel:我不知道沒有LBJ湖人會排在第幾Vogel:我不知道沒有LBJ湖人會排在第幾 LeBron James is having a fantastic offensive season in the 19th year of his care er. He has had to take on a massive scoring load for the Los Angeles Lakers this season due to their lack of offensive threats on the roster. Currently, LeBron James is averaging an astounding 29.8 PPG, 8.2 RPG, and 6.2 APG.爆
[外絮] Lue:人們覺得沒有LBJ我做不到,想證明Lue:人們覺得沒有LBJ我做不到,想證明自己有能力執教 Despite winning a championship and helping guide the Cavs to the greatest comeba ck in NBA Finals history by erasing a 3-1 deficit to beat Golden State in 2016, Lue doesn't get a lot of credit for the title that many instead will remember as James willing a championship to Cleveland.爆
[爆卦]前英國米蟲 哈利王子殿下將對英國開告!BBC 前老米蟲 哈利王子想要返英探親 但是英國政府已經不給哈利王子提供特警的人身保護 所以哈利王子提出自己付錢給警方, 而非納稅人的錢9
[問卦] 為什麼會對英語正音情有獨鍾?是這樣子的啦 我們常用的國語各種鄉音、連音台灣人都習以為常了 根本不會去在乎發音是不是真的字正腔圓 3-40年前的正音班現在也差不多滅絕了 但是台灣人卻對英語正音情有獨鍾?5
[問卦] 小鬼看到祥祥洗白會死的安寧嗎?我阿肥啦 是這樣的 小鬼 黃鴻升得年36歲 阿5
[問卦] 真的有預立安寧以拒疫苗嗎?就是不想打疫苗 確診重症怎麼辦 那就在健保卡註記預立安寧緩和醫療 1.得了就求仁得仁安樂死 2.醫療體系免崩潰5
[心得] Highland Queen - 瑪麗女王悲慘又充滿故品飲連結: 故事連結: 這次的歷史故事要從Highland Queen這品牌威士忌開始說起。Highland的威士忌在台灣比 較門。這品牌的威士忌於1983年就被一位羅德里克·麥克唐納 (Roderick Macdonald)所 創建,原本是使用Glenmorangie Distillery產的威士忌裝瓶。後來易主後改用2
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