[問卦] 為了讓強姦犯自首印度警方開怪手鏟房
To get them to surrender, Uttar Pradesh cops ‘bulldoze’ rape accused house,
announce on speakers
MEERUT: Police in Saharanpur razed with a bulldozer a part of the house of two brothers accused of rape, telling them through loudspeakers to 「surrender within 48 hours」 or else their 「entire house will be demolished」. Banging drums slung over their shoulders, cops repeated the announcement across the village. Local police station in-charge Satendra Rai praised his team for their 「bravery」 and said that the accused had allegedly gang-raped a minor. A video of the in dent went viral on social media.
密拉特:兩兄弟被控強姦,薩哈拉蘭普爾的警察用怪手鏟了他們家房子的一部分,並用喇叭喊話,要求他們「48小時內自首」,否則「整棟房子將被拆毀」。警察在整個村子里重復著這一通告。當地警察局負責人Satendra Rai稱贊其團隊「勇敢」,並表示兩名被告涉嫌輪姦一名未成年人。該事件的視頻在社交媒體上瘋傳。
Cops in Saharanpur said the absconding accused were arrested late on Friday following a tip-off by an informer.
The action came six days after the mother of the minor girl filed a police compnt alleging that two brothers, sons of the village head, had raped her daughter and left her bleeding.
「One of them raped my daughter in December last year,」 said the girl’s mother in her compnt.
"As my daughter was about to turn 18, she asked the man to marry her. This iswhen he barged inside my house in my absence along with his brother. The two raped my daughter again and threatened to do 'worse' if she demanded marriage again," the mother said.
She added that when she approached the gram pradhan to share what had happened, he "misbehaved" and "thrashed" her. "He said he will kill me and my daughter if I report the matter," the mother said.
"As the accused didn't turn up even after our repeated attempts to contact them, we decided to teach them a lesson. We took a JCB machine and razed the stairs of their house, which is also the entrance. We warned them to surrender within 48 hours or else the entire house will be demolished," Rai boasted.
"The pradhan used to think he was above the law. We wanted to show him that he isn't," Rai said.
Asked if the action was taken kee all legalities in mind, the police officer side-stepped the question and said, "It was important (to take action)."
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