[問卦] 美國爸爸忘記說的一件事

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 美國爸爸忘記說的一件事作者
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Rich immigrants (they’ll sometimes call themselves “expats”, a word white
people invented to separate ourselves from brown immigrants) show up in a
sovereign country, don’t speak the local language and don’t bother to learn
it, refuse to change even one iota of their behavior to match the local
culture, and then complain that they have a bad time. Like, leaving the
ethics aside, from a purely pragmatic perspective, what did you expect?
Honestly, the leeway we get here is remarkable. White immigrant English
teachers make a bit more than their non-white American colleagues, and far
more than their Taiwanese ones. Cops often don’t bother to ticket us,
remarkably letting our lack of Mandarin be an advantage (can you imagine whatan American cop would do if he pulled over someone that didn’t speak
English??). Government agencies will sometimes seek us out specifically for
our advice, as if all of us have helpful perspectives to offer on global
capitalism just because we’re American, or white, or whatever.

I mean we aren’t just guests here, we’re honored guests, so it really
pisses me off when people don’t treat Taiwan with at bare minimum mutual




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james732 04/08 17:15哪件事不要學台灣媒體搞標題黨好ㄇ

ggbi4zzz 04/08 17:15排版看的好痛

nh60211as 04/08 17:16甘我屁是

keikei5566 04/08 17:16所以你要問什麼卦?

kenq5566 04/08 17:17他還忘記說要記得排版

lmu0837 04/08 17:25完全看不懂

nekoares 04/08 17:35所以你想說啥