[問卦] 以篩代隔的英文怎麼說

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 以篩代隔的英文怎麼說作者
時間推噓15 推:17 噓:2 →:4



篩檢可以是 screening, rapid test

隔離可以是 quarantine, isolation



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peterch 04/26 16:45Yi shai dai gur

AOA2 04/26 16:46 Yi dai mi yo kong gi lo

jameslive 04/26 16:46inside tiger

Daniel0712 04/26 16:46你加個instead of

akira00150 04/26 16:47Replacing geese with lions

noah23 04/26 16:47inside die

venomsoul 04/26 16:47Yeeeee shy die ger

DarenR 04/26 16:48以篩代隔

omoideomoi 04/26 16:48The Green does but you can't

great5566 04/26 16:48use shit die girl

seaice 04/26 16:50yi shai dai ge

hn15835163 04/26 16:50inside die good

yspb 04/26 16:51<del>隔</del> 篩

hanchueh 04/26 16:53replace quarantine with screening

wubye 04/26 16:55以塞待隔

HaHaPoint 04/26 16:56Edit->Find and Replace->Quick Replac

hardout 04/26 17:02eatshit Tiger

EricTao 04/26 17:12Inside that girl

sazabisazabi 04/26 17:20我都唸costco

pikochu 04/26 17:30Isaiah Dagger

garcia 04/26 17:37time to say goodbye

sky1314193 04/26 18:11獅子跟鵝那個也太好笑

wadekimo 04/27 01:00Yisaidaigeh