Re: [新聞] 增3死、中重症+21 「女嬰發燒送加護

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 增3死、中重症+21 「女嬰發燒送加護作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:46

※ 引述《zangetsu9006 (台灣是平行時空)》之銘言:
: 所以我說那個口服藥呢?

: 人家國外是確診就給口服藥
: 台灣只有清冠一號




: 這種條件還敢跟國外一樣搞共存
: 我也只能呵呵…
: 當年我兒子燒個不停,醫生只是懷疑得流感,就立刻開克流感
: 怎麼現在確診Covid-19 ,就只是待在家裡,吃清冠一號!?
: 超前部署?
: 去年爆發沒疫苗,拖到果凍看不下去,跟台積電、慈濟聯合掏腰包買BNT,外國還捐了

: 堆AZ給我們,美國爸爸也捐了莫德納
: 今年爆發沒口服藥、快篩,是不是又要拖到民間看不下去、拖到美國爸爸、日本哥哥看

: 下去!?
: 台灣的臉都被丟光了!還敢講「看好了世界,台灣只示範一次」、「Taiwan can help

: 自求多福吧…各位台灣同胞…
: 自己選的,自己承擔
: 四個不同意,共存更給力







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KKmex 05/02 19:16 篩陽就給藥

笑死 這根本不是政府的文章

KKmex 05/02 19:16而且輝瑞仿單是說開始有症狀五天內就要給

KKmex 05/02 19:18健保局也有用藥記錄,醫師第一時間就可參考

5. Can anyone get a Paxlovid prescription? The FDA authorized Paxlovid for people ages 12 and older who weigh at least 88 pounds. But in order to qualify for a prescription, you must also have had a positive COVID-19 test result and be at high risk for developing severe COVID- 19. That means you must either have certain underlying conditions (including cance r, diabetes, obesity, or others) or be 65 or older (more than 81% of COVID-19 deaths occur in in this group). The more underlying medical conditions a perso n has, the higher their risk for developing a severe case of COVID-19, accordi ng to the CDC. 並不是你說的篩陽就給藥喔 英文不太好?

dodody 05/02 19:18聽說是英國針對高風險族群做的五天內送藥

dodody 05/02 19:18 不知真還假


※ 編輯: Croy ( 臺灣), 05/02/2022 19:19:20 ※ 編輯: Croy ( 臺灣), 05/02/2022 19:22:44

KKmex 05/02 19:24 用藥指引

KKmex 05/02 19:24treatment should be initiated as soon as

KKmex 05/02 19:25possible and within 5 days of symptom on

KKmex 05/02 19:25onset

KKmex 05/02 19:26這藥開放就是家用, 非住院病人也可以用

Before prescribing ritonavir-boosted nirmatrelvir, clinicians should carefully review the patient’s concomitant medications, including over-the-counter med ications, herbal supplements, and recreational drugs, to evaluate potential dr ug-drug interactions. 看來你英文真的不好

siloin 05/02 19:26

bobsun 05/02 19:26

siloin 05/02 19:27她一確診就用了

※ 編輯: Croy ( 臺灣), 05/02/2022 19:27:50

bobsun 05/02 19:27韓國1700萬染疫 用了多少 給你參考

※ 編輯: Croy ( 臺灣), 05/02/2022 19:28:23

bobsun 05/02 19:28所以台灣是不是超買了

KKmex 05/02 19:29我不是說我們健保資料就可以查用藥了嗎


※ 編輯: Croy ( 臺灣), 05/02/2022 19:30:18

KKmex 05/02 19:30哪會不能一確診就使用?我們醫院就等藥來

junibookye 05/02 19:30這藥根本幫輝瑞洗錢用

KKmex 05/02 19:30這藥就是要給一確診就使用的

junibookye 05/02 19:30毫無數據可言

KKmex 05/02 19:31而且還要在有症狀開始五天內

junibookye 05/02 19:31那麼有用 世界還需要苦成這樣

junibookye 05/02 19:31猶太人就是他媽的屌

KKmex 05/02 19:33 美國FDA

KKmex 05/02 19:33treatment as soon as possible after

KKmex 05/02 19:33diagnosos

CONTRAINDICATIONS History of clinically significant hypersensitivity reactions to the active ing redients (nirmatrelvir or ritonavir) or any other components. (4) ‧ Co-admini stration with drugs highly dependent on CYP3A for clearance and for which elev ated concentrations are associated with serious and/or life-threatening reacti ons. (4, 7.3) ‧ Co-administration with potent CYP3A inducers where significan tly reduced nirmatrelvir or ritonavir plasma concentrations may be associated with the potential for loss of virologic response and possible resistance. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS The concomitant use of PAXLOVID and certain other drugs may result in potentia lly significant drug interactions. Consult the full prescribing information pr ior to and during treatment for potential drug interactions. (5.1, 7) ‧ Aller gic Reactions/Hypersensitivity: Hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with PAXLOVID. If signs and symptoms of a clinically significant hypersensitiv ity reaction or anaphylaxis occur, immediately discontinue PAXLOVID and initia te appropriate medications and/or supportive care. (5.2) ‧ Hepatotoxicity: He patic transaminase elevations, clinical hepatitis, and jaundice have occurred in patients receiving ritonavir. (5.3) ‧ HIV-1 Drug Resistance: PAXLOVID use may lead to a risk of HIV-1 developing resistance to HIV protease inhibitors i n individuals with uncontrolled or undiagnosed HIV-1 infection. (5.4) 打臉打到手有點酸

※ 編輯: Croy ( 臺灣), 05/02/2022 19:37:30

KKmex 05/02 19:36請問英文超好的你,上面要怎翻譯?


KKmex 05/02 19:38不要列那些機制,我就在我們醫院的藥審會

KKmex 05/02 19:39這就用來第一線,不是後線的口服藥,主要是因

根本沒有篩陽就給藥這事情 都要先審視用藥者的狀況

※ 編輯: Croy ( 臺灣), 05/02/2022 19:40:24

KKmex 05/02 19:40為和一些用藥,尤其跟肝臟代謝的藥有交互影

KKmex 05/02 19:40響,所以要先健保資料庫確認沒交互干擾就即

KKmex 05/02 19:41刻使用,越早用效果越好

KKmex 05/02 19:44國外是篩陽就給藥,台灣到貨不夠先給高危群

※ 編輯: Croy ( 臺灣), 05/02/2022 19:44:26

KKmex 05/02 19:44給藥是醫師處方,當然會由醫師判斷沒問題就

KKmex 05/02 19:45第一線給,不是自己去藥房買就吃, 這又不是

KKmex 05/02 19:46後線藥,也沒限制要先其它治療後才給

birdy590 05/02 19:47還在國外是篩陽就給藥 誰凱成這樣

bobsun 05/02 19:48

bobsun 05/02 19:48篩陽就給?人家都說遠低於預期了

birdy590 05/02 19:50這裡變成謠言散佈中心很久了 而且頭跟

birdy590 05/02 19:50九頭蛇一樣多 砍掉一個會長出兩個

bobsun 05/02 19:50最凱的美國也只採購人口的6%多 如何篩陽

bobsun 05/02 19:50就給?

birdy590 05/02 19:50一般是設定60甚至65歲 外加慢性病

KKmex 05/02 19:51我的意思是篩陽符合條件就可以給,不是把它

birdy590 05/02 19:51用藥沒衝突 這就會有人符合也不能用

KKmex 05/02 19:52當後線藥物,它是第一線藥

birdy590 05/02 19:52嚴格來講賀錦麗資格不符合

birdy590 05/02 19:53但身分特殊不會用一般標準

KKmex 05/02 19:53我也提到是有症狀開始五天內

birdy590 05/02 19:54簡單說 那些確診一兩天就死亡的 沒得救

birdy590 05/02 19:54要早期發現沒有說起來那麼容易

birdy590 05/02 19:55最低限度快篩先滿地撒才有可能

tarngwon 05/03 09:551樓:篩陽就給藥!

tarngwon 05/03 09:5650樓: 5天內?