[問卦] 背完12000單字還是無法和外國人談話?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 背完12000單字還是無法和外國人談話?作者
時間推噓27 推:28 噓:1 →:16






他只會講,Hello, where is the bus station?



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tyrande 06/20 13:52i go to school by bus

bill403777 06/20 13:53腦袋裡面只有那些英文單字 兔萬水佛

flicker36 06/20 13:54熟悉度的問題啦

wolve 06/20 13:58那個

tmwolf 06/20 13:58how many seasons are there in a year?

jim543000 06/20 13:58還有個背磁碟的勒

SBISSHIT 06/20 14:01a apple a day keep the doctor away

Neisseria 06/20 14:01The sun rises in the east

cuteSquirrel 06/20 14:01Good morning, Mr. Brown.

losewind 06/20 14:03沒用到就不會聊天 很正常

pxhome 06/20 14:08背完然後忘記

Neisseria 06/20 14:08Guten Morgen Herr Schmidt

zhanjw 06/20 14:09背錯了 要背文章、句子

cosmite 06/20 14:10口說練習太少?

A0091127 06/20 14:12張無忌:全忘光了才是記住了

financial911 06/20 14:12背12000字才29000,靠

Jim357951 06/20 14:13An

Jim357951 06/20 14:13Keeps

gigi030507 06/20 14:16交個歪國男朋友就可以了

kevin8203 06/20 14:18Try to say

wise0701 06/20 14:25叫他查字典跟學文法,認真

starwillow 06/20 14:26I don't know

dear133 06/20 14:30文法?我的天啊!怎麼這樣子

dear133 06/20 14:31笨不要免強

brad001 06/20 14:32你會文法嗎 講話又不是只需要單字

noahblack 06/20 14:32單字是子彈,你還需要槍和怎麼開槍,練

noahblack 06/20 14:33習吧

aoisama 06/20 14:39Bus stop

lfd456525 06/20 14:40單字是子彈,你的槍(會話)還沒練好

sunnyyoung 06/20 14:45Yo, man, where's the fxxking bus st

sunnyyoung 06/20 14:45ation?

WilliamWill 06/20 14:55改背例句

kevin8203 06/20 14:58*Try to talk

xeins 06/20 14:58跟他說 It’s that all you got?

haiduc 06/20 15:02背很多單字 不是只背單字 單字教材中最好

haiduc 06/20 15:03有例句和片語 這樣對用法才比較熟悉

nat50601tw 06/20 15:05懶覺拉 低卡文喔

Jwfsm 06/20 15:06is it good to drink?

AcuraTL 06/20 15:06不會應用,直接出國住比較快。

WalkinCloud 06/20 15:32單字你確定背熟了

pupudice 06/20 15:49Apple is on tree. I am in bus.

FFMay 06/20 16:478923934

shamus2007 06/20 17:24語速適應後就好了

godchildtw 06/20 19:06This is a book, that is a pen

sparta40 06/21 13:28joker: This ia a pen.