Re: [問卦] 女兒養出林奕含這種 有多頭痛?

看板Gossiping標題Re: [問卦] 女兒養出林奕含這種 有多頭痛?作者
(Dark Moon Princess)
時間推噓 1 推:2 噓:1 →:4


強者我老師 就遇到過擺脫不掉的髒東西


整天私人信箱收到一堆噁爛信件 文字噁心 圖片更噁心



第一次看到老師公開罵全名 不要臉 髒東西云云

※ 引述《martin110287 (廢文權威)》之銘言:
: 養出後天精神疾病的
: 都會很頭痛
: 簡單講通常都是家庭環境不錯的
: 從小養尊處優人生沒什麼挫責
: 導致抗壓力太低又看不開
: 不過也不是說不能治
: 重點是家人要支持
: 例如說停車糾紛打人老爸還不罵你打你
: (要是有這種小孩我早就把他打死)

前面不確定 但家裡是不支持的

: 又或者是失業還每天跑去星巴克

這倒是事實 還去騷擾星法克的店長 呵呵

: 也不會被家人責罵
: 像這類情況
: 就不會開起精神疾病的秘碼...

Paragraph 1 of Article 19 of the Criminal Code:

An offense is not punishable if it is committed by a person who is
mentally disorder or defects and, as a result, is unable or less able to judge his act or lack the ability to act according to his judgment.



If a card(s) or effect(s) is activating, OR a monster(s) is Summoning, OR a
monster declare an attack, except this card: You must pay half of your life;
Negate all the activation in this chain except this card, Summoning, OR attack,and if you do, destroy that card(s), then destroy all the other cards on the
field and in either players' hand. (This effect is treated as spell speed 3.)


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thegreatlcx 08/15 23:36五樓髒東西沒事就掰開屁眼約肛

heavensun 08/15 23:42正義魔人不相信 還會罵你老師咧

suck55426 08/15 23:56北大大大大大大大

darkdivebomb 08/16 00:27

s1c 08/16 02:12it’s science, not santa claus

sonora 08/16 08:59還蠻多人相信男人被性騷擾

sonora 08/16 08:59只是更多人沒有腦袋