[問卦] X Japan 和LINKIN PARK各一首最頂的歌

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] X Japan 和LINKIN PARK各一首最頂的歌作者
時間推噓30 推:32 噓:2 →:15



超級懷念又超神的啦( ′ ▽ ` )ノ


我先:紅、Given up

啊啊啊一首不夠啦再推:Rusty Nail、Somewhere I Belong



※ PTT 留言評論
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OrcDaGG 11/15 11:43紅 paper cut

hancao0816 11/15 11:44Endless rain , numb

sosoandsoso 11/15 11:44Endless rain & NUMB

sosoandsoso 11/15 11:45= =

wangrg 11/15 11:45Say Anything

signm 11/15 11:45numb

eatingshit 11/15 11:45他誰?

OrcDaGG 11/15 11:452 3樓好友默契 在一起 在一起 在一起

rindesu 11/15 11:45silent jealousy

s0143579 11/15 11:45In the end

robert671101 11/15 11:46In the end

jim543000 11/15 11:46jade

scorpions 11/15 11:46Voiceless Screaming

piercingX 11/15 11:51X Japan要選Art of life吧 真正的偉大

jeffmao5566 11/15 11:54It’s my life

SaberMyWifi 11/15 11:55X Japan 一定選X啊

nvalue 11/15 11:58art of lite

Dhack5321 11/15 12:00It’s my life

noah23 11/15 12:01Wherever you are / Battle symphony

MADAO945 11/15 12:03Rusty nail好入坑

linkinchez 11/15 12:03說好不提Linkin Park

ray2000 11/15 12:03我難過 倒退嚕

b2305911 11/15 12:04Rusty Nail不錯

iamala 11/15 12:09art of life

JER2725 11/15 12:18unfinished、Numb

ssabjm 11/15 12:19weekend

LEBR0NJAMES6 11/15 12:23It’s my life

Innofance 11/15 12:23紅 In the End

UCCG 11/15 12:25Numb

DJJERRY 11/15 12:27Numb絕對是LP巔峰

srx080578 11/15 12:32My December

hlsu3a82k7 11/15 12:34Art of life / Numb

tigerface 11/15 12:37我20年前是第一次看到這樂團想說點一首

tigerface 11/15 12:37歌隨便聽聽,有中就聽沒有就跳過,然後

tigerface 11/15 12:37say anything直接打中

kilof 11/15 12:39weekend faint

wannafeel 11/15 12:53我難過 紫禁之巔

kandazin18 11/15 12:59最愛rusty nail

arnbition 11/15 13:03Say anything Endless rain Leave out

arnbition 11/15 13:03all the rest

mjj90138 11/15 13:07Cattle Decapitation屌打

syntax123 11/15 13:11我選Joker

comi0530 11/15 13:13Rose of pain, Numb

marderly 11/15 13:15Tears Paint

pooooop 11/15 13:41Tears

alexlin02 11/15 14:05

hidesoul 11/15 14:48Silent Jealousy, Numb

mimicqneb 11/15 15:06Fly me to the moon

zxc85918zxc 11/15 20:50Endliess rain, say anything