
時間推噓 X 推:4 噓:6 →:12

本卦請勿刪除 直到美國眾議院長確認誰人出任為止

但是呢 ~ 美國眾議院長是未必要從眾議員之中推舉並相互票選而出的

The House elects its speaker at the beginning of a new Congress
(i.e. biennially, after a general election) or when a speaker dies,
resigns or is removed from the position intra-term.
Since 1839, the House has elected speakers by roll call vote.
Traditionally, each party's caucus or conference selects a candidate FoR
the speakership from among its senior leaders prior to the roll call.
Representatives are not restricted to voting FoR
the candidate nominated by their party, but generally do,
as the outcome of the election effectively determines
which party has the majority and consequently will organize the House.
As the Constitution does not explicitly state that the speaker
must be an incumbent member of the House,
it is permissible for representatives to vote for someone
who is not a member of the House at the time,
and non-members have received a few votes in various speaker elections
over the past several years.

自從 1839 年以來 眾議院通過唱名表決選舉議長
傳統上 每個政黨的核心小組或會議在點名之前從其高級領導人
中選出一名候選人擔任發言人 代表不限於投票給本黨提名的候選人
但通常會這樣做 因為選舉結果有效地決定了哪個政黨擁有多數席位

我大川皇可能即將滿血復活重返榮耀 ~

※ PTT 留言評論
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Jasonfm89 12/15 14:45

Killercat 12/15 14:45很難,川普在共和黨內人和不良,眾議院

August2006 12/15 14:45會來台灣

August2006 12/15 14:45

cyc5566 12/15 14:45喔 是喔 真的假的 5555555

bob120400 12/15 14:45民主國家是不是註定要被小丑玩弄

Killercat 12/15 14:45又相比於參議院,委員個人意志更大一點

※ 編輯: PReDeSTiNeD ( 日本), 12/15/2022 14:46:56

Killercat 12/15 14:46川普這次助選要是大勝還有機會,可是偏

Killercat 12/15 14:46偏選個狗吃屎,共和黨不見得喜歡他

viable 12/15 14:46我講句公道話啦 又不是他爸媽

deepdish 12/15 14:46who care

bluebluelan 12/15 14:47想太多 你當共和黨眾議員吃素的喔

sbob 12/15 14:48這樣中共會死更慘耶

tpkgo 12/15 14:49川普別再鬧了 仇恨值高要認命!!

RW2010 12/15 14:55想要這個位置的人可多的哩 川普小丑洗洗睡

tsairay 12/15 14:56作夢比較快,真的

afewgoodmen 12/15 14:57川普加油啊 哈哈哈!贏了快來台灣吧

no25 12/15 15:00

fajita 12/15 15:06過氣了啦

purplebfly 12/15 15:30輪不到他啦,期中選舉沒選好,連總統初

purplebfly 12/15 15:31選都沒機會了,哪還會刻意把眾議院議長

purplebfly 12/15 15:32送給他,其他黨內眾議員都沒意見嗎?