[討論] 柯文哲會帶我們到下一個Level
就像當年的Marshall Applewhite一樣,
想想當年趕不上Hale bopp的人,是多麼痛苦。錯過就是錯過。
Let me say that our mission here, at this time.
Is about to come to a close in the next few days.
It requires that you, if you move into that evolutionary kingdom.
That you leave behind everything of human ways,
human behavior
Human ignorance,
human misinformation.
※ PTT 留言評論
[花邊] Enes Kanter發推為新疆維吾爾族發聲Heartless Dictator of China, XI JINPING and the Communist Party of China. I am calling you out in front of the whole world. Close down the SLAVE labor camps and free the UYGHUR people! Stop the GENOCIDE, now!40
[問題] Level 6 為啥沒有什麼處罰方式如題,Level 1有尖刺和毒蜘蛛不斷追趕你讓你不斷流血 Level 2 有一堆珍奇異獸會吃你 Level 3 是沙漠讓你變乾屍 Level 4 最熱又可能掉進火池裡 Level 5 凍死你19
[討論] 哥吉拉官方劇情簡介微更改華納釋出新的劇情簡介,似乎有稍微更改 新版: Legends collide as Godzilla and Kong, the two most powerful forces of nature, clash on the big screen in a spectacular battle for the ages. As Monarch15
[Vtub] 完美人類關心台灣地震如題 剛剛Perfect Human 黛灰 轉發了台灣地震的消息,並且發推關心 不愧是Perfect Human まゆゆ!!まゆゆ!!まゆゆ!!14
[閒聊] 金亨泰《劍星》原來女主角是人類啊Eve is confirmed to be human. 我一直以為她會是機娘耶 或是像素子少佐那樣,8
Fw: [新聞] 英國科學家疫苗研發有顯著突破作者: maomaoder (毛毛的) 看板: ForeignEX 標題: [新聞] 英國科學家疫苗研發有顯著突破 時間: Wed Feb 5 19:02:16 2020 1.媒體來源: Sky News 2.記者署名: Ashish Joshi11
[Vtub] Ceres Fauna 影之強者手遊剛剛開始實況 ----- Sent from JPTT on my OPPO CPH1920. --9
[情報] 0213 DailyHoroscopeMany of the people born under your sign are workaholics. You can be very serio us when it comes to pursuing your ambitions, Capricorn, and at times it comes at the expense of your personal life and your relationships. But while you may be something of a machine when you are in the throes of chasing a goal, you a re still only human. You need the comfort and camaraderie that relationships c1
[閒聊] Human: Fall Flat 宣布發售PS5版Human: Fall Flat 人類:一敗塗地 遊戲於2016年7月22日在Microsoft Windows平台發布 在2017年5月發布PlayStation 4和Xbox One版本 在2017年12月發布任天堂Switch版本
[討論] 傅崐萁被搜索 王鴻薇:擒賊先擒王?20
[黑特] 八卦版現在是很純的紫色吧X
[討論] 民進黨一開始的存在本來就違憲4
Re: [黑特] 八卦版現在是很純的紫色吧X
[討論] 矽盾送人了才來引戰??!!6
[討論] 家寧一家人現在全家加入民眾黨 有救嗎?14
[討論] 民進黨是否要思考走回蔡英文路線?1
Re: [黑特] 八卦版現在是很純的紫色吧X
[轉錄] 吳怡萱FB民進黨不敢面對軍審制度大轉彎4
Re: [討論] 矽盾送人了才來引戰??!!1
[討論] 搜索傅家是必要的3
[討論] 為何USAID一關呱吉頻道就關?5
[討論] 有沒有可能真的會打起來啊