Re: [黑特] 伊朗預告將在今晚攻擊以色列
不過考慮伊朗應該都是會事先通報打你哪邊 (免得鬧大)
解讀: 打完了 以色列不要鬧大 美國不要來亂 大家繼續忙國內的政治
Iran is now citing Article 51 of the UN Charter for its attack.
It says "the matter can be deemed concluded" - suggesting it will not launch
further strikes. However, it has warned against any retaliation or any
involvement by the United States.
“Conducted on the strength of Article 51 of the UN Charter pertaining to
legitimate defense, Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist
regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus," its
permanent mission at the United Nations said on Twitter/X. "The matter can bedeemed concluded. However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake,
Iran’s response will be considerably more severe. It is a conflict between
Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the U.S. MUST STAY AWAY!”
Article 51 of the UN Charter says that member states have "the inherent rightof individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs".
※ 引述《MarioBro (聽說本能寺著火了)》之銘言:
: 目前已經有看到消息指出伊朗利用無人機對以色列展開進攻
: 不過第一時間一定有很多虛假資訊
: 美國總統拜登已經緊急返回白宮
: 並表示美國會支持以色列
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
[爆卦] 美國通知以色列24~48小時伊朗發動攻擊The United States has reportedly notified Israel tonight of a “Window over the 24-48 Hours” in which they expect an Iranian Retaliatory Attack will occur, with Forces across the Region being raised to their Highest Level of Readiness.65
[爆卦] 伊朗 真主黨 宣戰 代號 “True Promise”Latest updates from CNN: - Israeli air defenses intercept some Iranian strikes - US air defense systems in the Middle East have intercepted some Iranian drones32
[爆卦] 伊朗即將發動攻擊 約旦關閉航班空域Additional Footage showing Iranian One-Way “Suicide” Drones, believed to be Shahed 131 or 136, over Southeastern Iraq. 其他影片顯示伊朗單向「自殺」無人機(據信是 Shahed 131 或 136)在伊拉克東南部上 空飛行。21
[爆卦] 以色列轟炸GAZA醫院據外媒BBC報導 據悉數百人喪生在受以色列砲火襲擊的加薩醫院 以色列迅速地否認了這說法 並表示 是哈瑪斯自己攻擊了自己的醫院 Hundreds of people have been killed in an Israeli strike on a hospital in Gaza7
Re: [爆卦] 英國法國加拿大澳洲宣布即將撤僑(以色列CBS最新新聞 U.S. issues travel warning for Israel with Iran attack believed to be imminent and fear Gaza war could spread 印度也發布旅遊警告2
Re: [爆卦] 美國通知以色列24~48小時伊朗發動攻擊支持伊朗 support for ran 阿肥公開支持 台灣也支持伊朗 幹他媽的垃圾以色列4
[問卦] 為什麼是"恢復"PRC在聯合國的一切權利?如題 今天是聯合國通過2758號決議的50週年 只是小弟每次在讀到2758號決議時 都會有個問題 原文如下:1
Re: [新聞] 賴清德捧美版林飛帆?他起底波頓「逃兵」看一下維基百科 Bolton is widely considered a foreign policy hawk and is an advocate for military action and regime change by the US in Iran, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba, Yemen, and North Korea.[14][15][8][16] A member of the Republican
[討論] 傅崐萁被搜索 王鴻薇:擒賊先擒王?4
[討論] 全台最希望中共射飛彈是賴清德X
[黑特] 威廉你是三歲小孩嗎?把國家推向戰爭邊緣17
[討論] 趙少康打戰爭牌37年了怎麼還沒打過來10
[討論] 賴清德的手段很兇殘吧?20
[黑特] 八卦版現在是很純的紫色吧X
[討論] 民進黨一開始的存在本來就違憲1
Re: [新聞] 賴清德恢復「軍事審判」 徐巧芯痛罵2
Re: [討論] 邊境沙皇:全家一起遣返就不會拆散家庭X
[黑特] 民進党竟然搜索最大在野黨黨鞭的家??2
[討論] 國民黨就是藍賊沒錯吧X
[討論] 阿杯會是綠色恐怖第一個軍法政治犯嗎?X
[黑特] 賴清德抓國軍不夠?連傅崐萁也抓?3
[討論] 媽祖當時支持兩岸統一?4
Re: [黑特] 八卦版現在是很純的紫色吧X
[討論] 矽盾送人了才來引戰??!!6
[討論] 家寧一家人現在全家加入民眾黨 有救嗎?14
[討論] 民進黨是否要思考走回蔡英文路線?1
Re: [黑特] 八卦版現在是很純的紫色吧X
[轉錄] 吳怡萱FB民進黨不敢面對軍審制度大轉彎4
Re: [討論] 矽盾送人了才來引戰??!!1
[討論] 搜索傅家是必要的3
[討論] 為何USAID一關呱吉頻道就關?5
[討論] 有沒有可能真的會打起來啊