[討論] 看來Ukraine很快就能加入歐盟?

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Could Ukraine join the European Union?

Discussions on Ukraine becoming a member of the European Union seem to be
gaining pace.

European Union leaders may discuss the possibility of Ukrainian membership atan informal summit in March, a senior EU official said on Monday, adding the
issue was important for Ukraine in discussions with Russia on ending the

Ukraine is not currently an official candidate for accession to the 27-memberbloc.


EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen told Euronews on Sunday that Ukraine"is one of us and we want them in" the European Union. Von der Leyen will be
meeting with Charles Michel, French President Emmanuel Macron and German
Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Paris on Monday evening for talks, and they will
likely discuss the possibility of Ukraine EU membership.

In the 'house of Europe'

Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Monday that Ukraine is
part of "the house of Europe".


"And it's not that we woke up in a different world just now because the
European Union has always been a house whose doors are open," Baerbock said
in a joint press conference after a meeting with her Slovenian counterpart
Anze Logar.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday said on his Telegram channelthat Ukraine should immediately become a member of the EU through a new,
simplified procedure.

“We ask the European Union for Ukraine’s immediate accession via a new
special procedure,” he said, according to POLITICO. “Our goal is to be
together with all Europeans and, most importantly, to be on an equal footing.I’m sure it’s fair. I’m sure it’s possible.”

Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal also called for Ukraine's immediate




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kuninaka02/28 23:03你最後一句= =

kuninaka02/28 23:03沒打更好

kuninaka02/28 23:03這個禍 人家寧願不要


CavendishJr02/28 23:05還沒談完吧,你可以追蹤烏克蘭總統推特,談完他應該

CavendishJr02/28 23:05會發文


※ 編輯: mitsui0309 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 23:08:44

MyDice02/28 23:08不可能那麼快 還要審核烏政府的債務

MyDice02/28 23:09正常的流程啦

kougousei02/28 23:09不可能 頂多給個觀察員

CavendishJr02/28 23:10還有歐盟正在規劃,烏克蘭人可以在歐盟區域待3年,

CavendishJr02/28 23:10讓他們可以避風頭

kougousei02/28 23:10歐盟的要求很多 東歐那些國家要加籌備了很久才加進去

kougousei02/28 23:10先給個觀察員協助烏克蘭規劃如何滿足要求之類的比較有

kougousei02/28 23:10可能

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Paris on Monday evening for talks, and they will likely discuss the possibility of Ukraine EU membership. 那就看這個可能性能不能成真了!

※ 編輯: mitsui0309 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 23:13:35

rayven03/01 18:49不可能,都拖8年了前面還有個火雞國排隊等著