Re: [討論] 荷蘭 9/17 取消 Covid-19 入境措施

看板HatePolitics標題Re: [討論] 荷蘭 9/17 取消 Covid-19 入境措施作者
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※ 引述《pickchu22001 (天啊~無薪假~)》之銘言:
: 網址:
: Travelling to the Netherlands from abroad
: The Dutch government has decided to lift the EU entry ban for the Netherlands: as of 17 September 2022. Given the current epidemiological situation in the: Netherlands, the government feels that for entry to the Netherlands the EU
: entry ban is no longer proportional. The European Commission is also planning: to publish a proposal for revising the rules for entering the European Union: (EU) in autumn 2022.
: The government's decision means that as of 17 September 2022, no COVID-19
: related restrictions or requirements apply to travellers entering the
: Netherlands, including those from countries outside the EU/Schengen area.
: 荷蘭政府決定 9/17 打開國門,歡迎旅客來玩.不用啥疫苗,3+4 的積八毛規定.
: 世界怎麻跟得上中國/台灣?

本肥8月底在荷蘭玩 根本就沒有什麼限制啊==


歐洲現在的狀況是 入境不看疫苗卡、不驗、不隔離



觀光遊客一大堆 阿姆斯特丹滿滿的人 大麻店人多到沒座位坐


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gogobar09/18 11:13塔綠班的美國老爸表示不開心

sheep99109/18 11:49一年前就唬爛要開邊境 結果還是學中國鎖國強制隔離 把人

sheep99109/18 11:49民當狗關到死 民進黨CDC根本就是共產党 只會狂舔中國式

sheep99109/18 11:49防疫

VegasThu09/18 12:12最近有出國的真的回國時會感到滿滿的可笑可恥的防疫政策

VegasThu09/18 12:12仿佛台灣人像義和團那樣子在防疫 別國都在用大炮了

j309/18 12:50出差中, 再兩周要回台灣... 也覺得台灣的防疫超丟臉的