[情報] 20.0已知問題

看板Hearthstone標題[情報] 20.0已知問題作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:1

沒錯 還沒上線就有bug了 KEKW


A bug where the Duels season end date is incorrect in client. Duels ratings
will reset on 3/25.
決鬥擂台積分重置日期顯示錯誤 應該是台灣時間3/26

A bug where cards in Duels are displaying a watermark when they should not.

A bug when building a Duels deck where the filters for Legacy and Core set don’t show, but you can still add cards from these sets.

A bug where the ‘Complete my Deck’ feature does not work for Classic

A bug where the Collection Manager does not remember the format you’ve
chosen when entering from Play Mode.

A bug where cards of the same name but from different sets can appear
multiple times in an Arena Run.

A bug where players that have just unlocked Wild will need to re-login to seeall card rewards associated with unlocking Wild.

A Battlegrounds bug where Minions can show an outline of their Tavern Tier
icon when played.

A bug where free decks that contain Core Set cards can appear as Wild decks.
Players can swap these cards out for similar ones or wait until the Core Set
is live on 3/30 and swap the deck back to Standard.

A bug where attempting to enter a practice match with the Demon Hunter after
queuing for Ranked Classic will result in an error.
The current workaround is to queue for Standard/Wild/Classic, cancel the
queue, and re-enter the practice match.
修復前玩家可以重排一次任何排名模式 然後馬上取消即可解決

Other things to know about 20.0:

Duplicate cards from the Core Set and Wild can show 4 times in the CollectionManager. This is something we’re looking to change in the future.
你重複的卡牌如果有進核心或者開放會多顯示4倍 以後會改

Incomplete Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Gameplay and Duels achievements as
of March 25 will no longer grant Rewards Track XP, and instead a new set of
Forged in the Barrens achievements will.

At patch, new players will receive the Demon Hunter Initiate Set upon
unlocking the Demon Hunter class. After Forged in the Barrens launches on
March 30, the Demon Hunter Initiate Set will unlock for new players when the
Wild format is unlocked.
20.0剛上線的時候 新玩家解鎖惡魔獵人就能拿到惡魔獵人初始系列
等3/30貧瘠之地資料片上線 新玩家則是解鎖開放就能拿到初始系列

Level 50 Hero skin choice must be made before the Forged in the Barrens
Rewards Track refresh.

We’re working to allow players to choose a hero skin they missed from a
previous season in a future patch.

Players who are online at the time of the Rewards Track Refresh will not see
their Rewards Track immediately updated to Forged in the Barrens. These
players will need to re-login for their Rewards Track to update.

We’re working so that this refresh can happen seamlessly for actively online
players in a future patch.

Forged in the Barrens card packs opened before visiting the Reward Track, andduring Pre-Release weekend, can contain Blademaster Samuro or Golden Mankrik
(in place of another Legendary card).
To address this, full Dust refunds will be available for the week following
Pre-Release, this applies to golden Mankrik, non-golden Blademaster Samuro,
and golden Blademaster Samuro.
之前講過 大劍師跟曼寇里克預先開包1周內可全額拆


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cherarthur1 03/25 01:29小印度zzz

mod980 03/25 01:58KEKW

jjooee1428 03/25 02:01bug也要擠牙膏 厲害了我的雪

demonik 03/25 06:28到底有沒有測試啊,可憐

pongbao 03/25 09:34測試這種小事交給玩家就對了

combokang 03/25 09:46回四樓 其實就是有測試才知道有bug啦 問題應該是沒

combokang 03/25 09:46人力修

cookiey 03/25 11:33暴雪正常發揮

a08657861 03/25 12:59沒人力修的問題比較大 哭哭


※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 03/25/2021 13:04:16

gn00273680 03/25 17:28可憐啊